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Fixing the TSA

An interesting think tank article that proposes solutions - including privitization and expansion of the Registered Traveler Program - to improve the TSA:

“while the Department of Homeland Security may preach risk management, TSA, its largest operating agency, does not practice it. As a result, improved security comes with too much wasted effort, at a social and economic cost that is too high and ultimately unsustainable….TSA could deploy new technology in Registered Traveler lines and test it under real-world conditions— what the Pentagon calls operational test and evaluation. Under these circumstances, TSA should welcome rigorous GAO audits to identify system weaknesses and make adjustments before making a large-scale investment. Better technology that allows passengers to keep their shoes on and keep computers in their briefcases would increase system throughput and require fewer TSA employees at each checkpoint.” - entire article here

Reader Comments (1)

From TFA: "Lengthy security lines are now the exception rather than the rule. " HA! Where have these guys been flying? Certainly not from Las Vegas (though LAS does have these entertaining videos on what to do, featuring famous LV performers), Houston, Dallas, or just about any major hub for that matter.

April 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermantic59

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