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New iPhone changes "changes everything"

Video, says Tripso, changes everything:

The specs are nothing to rave about — 640 by 480 pixels, which is not exactly HD — but the implications are far-reaching for each and every one of us. At the touch of a button, travelers can now publish an edited video to YouTube. Not coincidentally, YouTube just last weekadded a featurethat allows you to directly share clips to Facebook, Twitter, and Google Reader.

Why does any of this matter to travelers?

Because it marks a fundamental shift that could alter the way we get our information about travel and the way we share our travel experiences. - TRIPSO

Maybe so, but I think there might already be enough boring video on YouTube.

Reader Comments (5)

You said it. This smacks of someone desperately trying to find something exciting to say about the new iPhone.

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

The new iPhone isn't what is exciting. The new 3.0 software and all of the applications being developed is what is exciting. There are already tremendous applications out there for travel, but I think many more are coming.

Imagine an interactive GPS guidebook which could take you on "guided" walking tours through foreign cities.

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlordhamster

Hamster, that is very attractive since I can get lost in my own backyard. The trick is learning how to use the iPhone without being used by it. I know people who are now completely dominated and distracted by their iPhone. This I would want to avoid. Read Technocracy by Neil Postman.

June 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

Could you repeat that, I was distracted by my iPhone. :)

I've had the iPhone since day one but really didn't find it all that great until the recent explosion of apps in the app store. I see the phone as just an ultra portable connected computing platform, the real genius what the developers will do with it.

I actually just sold my dedicated golf GPS because a $2.99 program for iphone now performs better than the old GolfLogix GPS.

While traveling in europe, I was able to quickly look up the most efficient train connections with ZugINfo.

There is a fantastic trip planner that lets me enter all my flights, and it will warn me of any delays, gate changes, baggage belts, even the meals on the plane! All much more reliably than individual airline websites.

Sure we don't want to get carried away, but for us techno-nerd one bag travelers, the possibility to trim down what I carry to one or two devices is too tempting to pass up.

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlordhamster

No doubt. My wife teaches for a university that gets loads of free stuff from Apple. I'm guessing she'll have an iPhone before our next long trip and I won't be toting the netbook. She has a Touch at the moment and I'm hoping she can score an Air.

June 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

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