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Cool, but you can't have it...yet

By Italian design students, the world’s coolest luggage scale:


Reader Comments (2)

Wow. Beauiful in its simplicity. Truly an elegant solution!
January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCindy H
My first reaction was positive. But then I thought that it is not exact enough and that it will lose the last bit of precision the more it is used and over time as the rubber ages. It is also subject to temperature changes. So if someone where to weigh his luggage outside the airport on a frosty day it would give a different reading than inside the house.

A metal spring (like in a fish weighing scale), possibly a thermo-treated spring, would be more exact and follow the same principle.

Lastly, it should be remembered that airport scales are sometimes off, too. So if your weight is just a kilo or so over the limit, the first recourse should be to have it weighed on another scale. If the two results are not the same, you have a very good argument for not paying and not repacking anything. It won't endear you with the personnel but that's probably not so important. If they know you anyway because you travel there often, they will let your overweight slide anyway.

I am sure, too, that I am not the only one who has developed a good weight sensing capacity. I can guess the weight of a suitcase to 1kg by just lifting it. Works 95% of times, often to closer than 1kg. That's certainly better than the rubber band.

January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill

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