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1.5 pounds, 9.7 inches - $499 iPad

Watch for a string of followups.

This story suggests some questions to ask when the hype fog lifts:

An Apple tablet will be hampered at the start by “unsatisfying” 3G broadband networks, short battery life, and people’s yen for a flexible device that can be rolled up and stuffed in a pocket, according to Gaines.

“I just don’t think this will be the killer device just yet,” Gaines said of what Apple has in store. “It will certainly point the way. It’s all coming.” - AFP/Breitbart


Reader Comments (15)

Too big for everyday portability, the iTouch comes with the same size hard drive, not real keyboard, I won't be able to use it in the car to navigate, and I'd still have to turn it off on the plane for take off and landing. So what advantages does it have over my netbook that is half the price?
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLuke
Priced right, about $200 premium over iTouch. On the ebook front, if it hosts the same reader apps that the iPhone/iTouch do, then it iwll be okay. If all it does is the iBook app that is shown on the Apple page ,then my biggest question will be, what about the >1000 ebooks I already have? Will I have to repurchase? Can I sync them through my PC like I can with iTunes? The prices they are showing for books are greater than Kindle prices, which in themselves are too much. Ebook prices should be about the same as regular paperback prices, not as much as hardbacks that I can pick up at Costco.
If Apple allows for a decent word processing program, the this, along with an external keyboard might be suitable replacement for a netbook. If they add in decent handwriting recognition, then you will have a winner.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLuke
I believe it will be backward compatible with your e-books - think I read that this morning.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Some of my questions - For typing on the touchscreen, how do I orient it - flat, angled, use a stand? Is the glossy screen conducive to viewing if lying flat? Imagine all the reflections from ceiling or sky. How's it going to live on a tray table?
January 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW
and then, of course, there's the MOST cost-efficient reading "device" ever, the:


whoops, excuse me while I go pay those overdue fines!
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Birnbaum
I do get lots of books rom the library, but when traveling, its refreshing to have 20-30 books along, with the ability to get more while on the road. Bring a magazine for the take off and landing phases, and you have all of the inflight entertainment you need. Most of the books that I read while mobile come from Webscription (www.webscription.net), and the ereader app that I use on my iPhone allow me to download books from there directly. Those books are priced about the same as paperbacks, and no DRM. The app also allows me to upload books from my computer (I do so love the CDs that Baen books include), again with no DRM. If I can still use my legacy app, then I'll be fine.
The cover and keyboard accessories look interesting, the cover providing a viewing a stand while on a tray table, and the keyboard providing a good input device.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLuke
I love it! For me there are three critical points.

1. It needs to be compatible with a real keyboard. And it is from the beginning.
2. It needs to have video out for presentation. It has a VGA support via dongle for 1028x768 resolution.
3. It needs to be light. It is the lightest thing out there with this performance. 730g for the 3g model with 10h battery life. There is no bloody PSU brick. YEAH! This means that the Ipad complete with PSU, keyboard and video adapters will weigh about 1.1kg all together. The only thing that can kind of beat it but has a noticeably smaller screen and only 3.5 hours of battery life is the Sony Vaio P. This then doesn't have a full keyboard and you will need to carry the PSU more often because it has a short battery life. The Sony is actually more expensive than the Ipad.

Here are links for tech specs

This makes it ideal for travel purposes. I am sure in October they will come out with a refresh with 128GB solid state memory. 64 is a little low. I don't mind that it doesn't have multi-tasking but it would be nice if it had a word editor. On the other hand Documents-to-go already does that. I don't know whether it has something like a My Documents folder. Strangely enough they don't talk about that. But I am pretty sure that solutions should be available. One will most likely opt for a service like Sugarsync or Dropbox and those come with folders on the device, too, if I am not mistaken.

Now, these are just my personal uses and remarks. On a cultural scale, I think this is the future of publishing, content access and advertising. If I owned a paper mill I'd be very worried right now.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
They'll probably sell a bunch, but I don't like what I see:

No Multi-tasking

No Flash

Overpriced. Especially if you want more memory and 3G.

Ugly bezel

The whole thing is DRM

Lousy name. I'm sure you've heard the jokes already.

Books look expensive, but perhaps that will come down.

iPhone operating system, rather than OSX.

Perhaps it'll turn out to be a good way to read books, but will it actually be easier to hold and easier on the eyes than the e ink devices?

No camera

This thing is basically an over sized iPhone. What's so revolutionary and ground breaking about it?

Oh, I'm sure they'll sell a bunch solely because it's Apple. The fanboys and koolaid drinkers will be lined up. But I think a lot of people were disappointed today when they actually started looking at the specs and what it could and could not do.

I think it's a huge bag of fail.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
Oh, and it's a 4:3 aspect ratio. So wide screen movies probably aren't going to be great on it.

On the positive side, the battery life looks fantastic.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
@Till - The My Documents folder isn't something I'd hold my breath for. The iPhone doesn't have a centralized file type agnostic filing system accessible by all the apps. It currently has specialized ones for photos and music (that I know of) but not other file types like doc and PDF. Since the pad is built on the iPhone OS, I don't think this type of folder is coming. It would make sense to choose data and have actions applicable data, like a most desktop operating systems rather than having to choose an application and accessing specific data from it.
For Dropbox on the iPhone, I can use the native viewer applications when I "open" a PDF from dropbox but wouldn't be able to open Dropbox docs in Documents to Go. Would be handy if I could.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfreecia
@Till - did read a blurb stating that there's a shared Documents folder iWork being introduced. Hope that it will offer a few more file formats than iWork's version of doc, xls, ppt. PDF for one with apps that can doodle all over it and save the new version. Still not holding my breath.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfreecia
freecia, thanks so much. You definitely know more about this than I do. So if I can't open Dropbox items with Documents-to-go then where are the items stored that I can open and edit with DTG?

Steve, the name is not lousy at all. I heard the jokes and whoever came up with that and finds that remotely funny has the intelligence and maturity of a third grader. The name is logical. Iphone, Ipod, Ipad. It's a semantic family almost. I plus one syllable word that starts with a P. It was clear it would be Ipad not Islate or even Itablet.

I am a bit disappointed, too, that it's not OSX and that there is no multi-tasking. That said, the Iphone OS is not a dead-end. It can develop and be built on. I hardly miss the multi-tasking on the Iphone. What I do miss is the My Documents folder and the possibility to edit stuff. I bet DTG will develop that even more for the Ipad and if freecia's info is right we might see a My Documents folder.

The 4:3 screen format is very good. This actually is still the more versatile format. Using 16:9 for everything just doesn't make sense. 4:3 is much easier to work with for viewing a webpage, a book page or a document page than 16:9. this shows you that those are intended uses for the Ipad. Had Jobs intended to make it a entertainment/video device first and foremost he would have given it a 16:9 screen. The 4:3 particularly makes sense if you have it in landscape format and the keyboard appears. On a 16:9 you would only have a tiny sliver of screen left on the top. This way you have half of the screen.

I am a bit disappointed that there is no direct USB access and no direct video out but that you need to go through a dongle. Probably to keep the curve on the edge. They had the same problem with the MBA.

And just to set that clear, I use a self-built PC on a daily basis. The thing is very reliable and for many things I actually find it easier to use than my Macbook, especially for photos! So I am not a Mac fanboy at all.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
I keep seeing remarks about wanting OS X on it all over the place. If Apple released OS X on this with full connectivity their laptop sales would be cannibalized. They're not that stupid.

Regarding iPhone OS and a file system: I have heard from a couple of developers that the new SDK sports a sort of common file system directory. Nothing has been confirmed but that might indicate the first inklings of a shared file space.

The bezel supplies a safe structure for the large glass multitouch area.

There is a keyboard accesory which comes with a dock. This accesory apparently only allows you to work with the iPad in vertical orientation because of the dock connector.

In addition, bluetooth has been opened up so you can use Apple's existing BT keyboard. You'd still need a 3rd party device to prop the iPad up. This alternative might allow one to use the iPad in horizontal.

> The whole thing is DRM.

What do you mean the whole thing? iBooks works with ePub, an open ebook format. MP4 videos and MP3 files can still be used for video and audio. If your point is that Apple wants to get you to use iTMS to purchase music, apps, books, movies, well, yes, but if you want to bring over your own MP4s and MP3s, you're welcome to do it. If your point is that it doesn't support DIVX, etc. that's a fair point but again there are options and Apple, as is logical, is trying to keep revenue up as high as possible like all profit-making companies.

> No flash or multitasking

That's a legitimate complaint. Don't know where Apple is going in that regard. iPhone OS will get updated this year. Maybe multitasking will appear then.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMiguel Marcos
BTW, Adobe is releasing a packaging tool to port Flash apps to iPhone OS.

January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMiguel Marcos
Does anybody know if Safari will open the regular, non mobile versions of pages, or will it be the mobile versions? Currently, both the iPhone and the iTouch open the mobile versions of webpages, but the iPad has a lrge enough screen to open the regular versions. If it is going to open the regular versions, then Apple NEEDS to get the Flash issue fixed. Not having flash will severly hamper its use as a laptop replacemement.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLuke

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