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New Kindle DX - "Global wireless"

‘Amazon.com has introduced Kindle DX with Global Wireless – a new version of the 9.7-inch wireless reading device now with the convenience of wireless content delivery in over 100 countries. In addition to the features that have made the 6-inch Kindle the bestselling product across all of Amazon, the new Kindle DX with Global Wireless has a large 9.7-inch electronic paper display, auto-rotate capability and storage for up to 3,500 books. Kindle DX with Global Wireless is available for pre-order starting today for $489 at www.amazon.com and ships January 19.”


Size (in inches): 10.4” x 7.2” x 0.38”.

Weight: 18.9 ounces (half of most netbooks).

Claims to have one week of battery life with wireless; two weeks w/o.



Reader Comments (7)

If the Apple tablet comes out it will make the Kindle an almost lost cause. Kindle's battery life will probably be better. There are no additional network fees. And that's about it for advantages.

ITab will have a bigger screen in color, will look better, will be a fully functional computer that will allow text editing, USB connections, Skyping over Wifi, have much more storage, will have access to magazines in color, will be able to get content from Kindle but also from Project Gutenberg or any other online source, can surf the internet ... the list is endless.

OK, the price is most likely going to be double but the utility will be tenfold.

Still, buy Amazon and Apple stock. The added Kindle book (not hardware) sales will be worth it. In addition, Apple has a great platform with Itunes. They can offer their own bookstore and include magazines (the high gloss stuff), in addition to movies, podcasts and music. I'd say it's a very safe bet.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
Is it possible to do some basic web-browsing or gmail checking on this thing? If it could do those two things the international coverage with no extra fees would be well worth it.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlordhamster
lordhamster - I think not. That would be giving away too much that Amazon or somebody else could charge for. Whoever Amazon has negotiated with for 3G access would surely not allow it. It would be nice though.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Thats too bad. I travel alot overseas and unfortunately with my iPhone they charge like $75million/kb. I miss my old Blackberry's unlimited international email plan. It just put my mind at ease.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlordhamster
Actually you can access the internet on this device and check email, although on the few times I have used it, I found it frustratingly slow and gave up since I have either a blackberry or iphone with me. It should be noted that I have the Kindle 1 which only is usable within the US for the connection. I do not know if the new global version will still have this function, but I will assume it does.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterobie
To my point - the 3G providers aren't going to allow users to get pay-quality service for free. Without some sort of monthly plan which doesn't exist at the moment I don't think you'll find much bandwidth - or convenience.
January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Two further slimmed down iterations of the Kindle have just been announced, for delivery late next month. Of interest for the light traveler in particular would be the $139 W-Fi only version, reduction in weight to 8.5 oz., size down to 7.5 x 4.8 x 0.34 inches, small enough to fit into any day bag (or to get LOST for a week inside a Scottevest...) Screen size approximates, I gather, a smaller paperback, though of course the capacity is spposedly 3500 books.

What has anyone's experience been so far with the current version, particularly as used, of course, for travel?

And yes, I know that I can download the Kindle software to my iPhone, but for serious reading a larger screen that can be read in daylight seems worthwhile.
July 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Birnbaum

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