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Obvious to all the world

US travel “security” measures are a worldwide embarrassment and irritant:

European air officials accused the United States of imposing useless and overly intrusive travel security measures, calling Wednesday for the Obama administration to reexamine policies ranging from online security checks to X-raying shoes.

British Airways’ chairman made the first in a wave of complaints, saying in a speech to airport operators that removing shoes and taking laptops out of bags were “completely redundant” measures demanded by the U.S.

He was joined less than 24 hours later by British pilots, the owner of Heathrow airport, other European airlines, and the European Union. The EU submitted formal objections to a program that requires U.S.-bound travelers from 35 nations to complete online security clearance before departure. It called the system burdensome and said it could violate travelers’ privacy. - ABC News

Now that I think about it, “OBLIVIOUS to all the world” would have made a good headline too.

Reader Comments (5)

I think the reporter guy is a Thousands Standing Around Stooge. I wear lace up shoes and if TSA requires me to remove them then TSA can put up with as long as it takes me to put them back on. PERIOD. Signs: There are so many signs that they are ignored. Well, duh. It doesn't take a genius to know that people ignore signs when there are more than one or they contain lots of information. Anyone working with signage should be able to tell them that.

We have found that the U.S. security requirements are laughable in most foreign countries we have been in. And too, the intellectual level and job related abilities of security people in other countries surmounts that of security people in the U.S. There is the odd exception of course.
October 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
The Israelis know way more about airport security than we do in here in the US. We could learn some valuable lessons from them.
October 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteph
Steph, That's right, and Netherlands, Scotland, India, China, and just about all the rest of the world.

If that weren't enough today I see: http://www.msnbc.msm.com/id/39889732/ns/travel-news/

Now we can go through airport security just fo the fun of it. Somebody has to put the brakes on this.
October 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
WHOA! that should mb msn not mam. Sorry.
October 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
WHOA, WHOA! That should be msn not msm. Sorry, I'm not having the best day.
October 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte

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