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Toner "bomb" aftermath

Patting you down because someone in Yemen ships an apparent bomb doesn’t make sense. And everyone knows this. And nobody in the US or the UK security apparatuses cares.  Most OBOW readers in the UK are probably not fans of Peter (brother of Christopher) Hitchens, but he does state the truth about the latest…whatever it was….pretty plainly:

What, precisely, are these ‘hallmarks of Al Qaeda’ that we are constantly being told that such things have? How are they distinguished from the hallmarks of all terror organisations?

How powerful would they have been if they had detonated, assuming they could have been? And what on earth do they have to do with the ludicrous persecution of airline passengers, as apparently suggested by former Home Secretary and Defence Secretary  and one-time Communist John ‘without a shot being fired’ Reid, who said this was a ‘cautionary tale’ for those who ‘want to reduce essential security measures.’

‘Doctor’ Reid added that these measures might be inconvenient for passengers but were nothing  compared with the ‘tragic consequences  of loss of life’ caused by a terrorist attack.

While true, this is a classic nonsequitur. ‘Doctor’ Reid has to show how these measures would have prevented such deaths. If he tried to do so, it would quickly emerge that most of them were not in fact essential. - Daily Mail (UK)

I love a good “cautionary tale.” Our governments are great at telling tales.


Reader Comments (5)

All the airports should use more K-9 units, dogs are far more effective at finding things than humans or machines.
I thought this last batch of explosives was found in cargo and not on people.....why aren't they stepping up security in that department? It is the people, so-called employees, of airports that worry me, they should be vamping up security behind the scenes, perhaps then it would make it too difficult for baggage handlers etc., to steal from checked luggage as well as catching illegal and/or dangerous cargo.
November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
Headlines from today's msnbc travel news:

- Snow globe shakes up Conn. airport routine

- Foot powder delays flight from Birmingham

- Odor diverts Cuba-bound flight to Baltimore

- Air travelers embrace stricter "no-fly" rules

- The Three Stooges pat down Laurel and Hardy (not really)
November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Monte, I just talked to a friend that works in air cargo. He's really looking forward to going to work tonight...
November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Brad, Pat him on the shoulder and send him off to never-never land. We do appreciate those sincere, hard working people to are just as alienated as we by our goofy Thousands Standing Around regulations. Maybe your friend will run into Alphonse and Gaston.
November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Agree completely with Paula S on all points. The use of canines by law enforcement would be a more subtle and less invasive method for bomb detection. Commercial, passenger flights get extra revenue by flying some cargo. Perhaps this practice should be eliminated also to further ensure passenger safety.
November 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

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