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Ship tracking

I’m sure most of us at one point tracked a flight a relative or friend was on and watched the little airplane move along the map.

Well, in the light of the Carnival Splendor incident, why not track it as it’s towed to shore, or any other ship just about anywhere in the world.



(Frank II)

Reader Comments (3)

There is one between the Maldives and Somalia......hope it doesn't suddenly disappear off the chart!!
Interesting map, thanks.
November 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
FASCINATING SITE! I had no idea it existed, though in this day and age, it does not surprise me. For example, the CRYSTAL SERENITY is just where we left here, docked in Barcelona. The DAWN PRINCESS, on which we sailed to Alaska from Seattle several years ago, is docked in....Tasmania. And, that poor CARNIVAL SPLENDOR is being slowly towed to San Diego, at 6.1 knots, as its passengers enjoy....Pop Tarts and Spam.
November 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlan B
Have just read the full cruise ship fire story on Gadling (I missed it on the TV news), it took passengers about four hours to disembark because the elevators weren't working.
All that heavy luggage being hauled up loads of flights of stairs............I wonder if anyone went ultralight.
Yet another reason for doing so.
November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S

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