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An open letter from Nappy

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.……Benjamin Franklin

With that in mind, here’s an op/ed piece in USA Today written by Janet Napolitano, head honcho of Homeland Security, home to TSA. My apologies if you’re reading this while eating and you lose your appetite.

Nappy on Security

(You’ll notice no mention of groping)

And here’s USA Today’s article on it:

USA Today Article

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (1)

I love the oft used word "ask(ed) in her ramble......passengers are not being asked, by the sound of it they are being ordered and bullied in loud threatening tones.

I was saying to my husband, (after reading out the articles and playing the various videos), I count us fortunate that we don't have to fly from the States for any reason. Toronto and London airports convey a much calmer atmosphere at security and we end up chatting in a friendly manner with anyone who may stop us at the x-ray/metal detector machines at Toronto. One year my bag was searched thoroughly going into T5 departures and the agent apologised several times over the inconvenience it caused me. I couldn't imagine that happening at any major US airport.

I've been using Heathrow and Gatwick for eons and have never felt apprehensive about being in major target airports.
I was impressed at the level of European/UK security in 1993, returning from Spain via Heathrow at the height of the ETA bombings. As I left the plane and started the long walk to passport, I noticed a couple of 'suits' tailing me and another gentleman. Just before passport control one of them stopped me (the other stopped the man), I was politely asked for my passport and just as politely but firmly interrogated.
I looked Spanish, was carrying a Spanish newspaper (I was fluent in the lingo), had spoken Spanish on the flight, carrying a Brit (European) passport. The poor 'suit' discovered I have a strong north London accent and was catching another flight to Canada.....where I am a citizen and had lived for many years. He wasn't expecting that!
After he'd finished the polite interrogation I asked why, out of curiosity, had I been flagged on the plane as suspicious? Apparently I resembled a suspect female ETA member. Without requesting details, I asked if perhaps I should change the chestnut colour hair dye I was using and perhaps my hairstyle.......he said it would help avoid being detained on future visits. I thanked him but was left in no doubt, after noticing several heavily armed police officers appear around the control area, that had I been with ETA, I would not have escaped.
I have been medium blonde, shorter haired and untanned ever since!!

The point of boring you with my story, is that I was treated humanely in a calm manner, I was given the benefit of the doubt and at no time felt threatened......although I had guessed after the first question that something was up. It was actually quite exciting and they earned my respect.
Having said that, we Brits have had to deal with terrorism for many years, the IRA after all, spent the first half of my life trying (and sometimes succeeding) to blow us up.
November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S

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