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Good question

Enough with the app. From crunchy con Front Porch Republic:

For someone whose sympathies lie on the left side of the political spectrum, I’m not especially worried about the rise of the Tea Party and the Republican sweep in the last election; despite their numbers, I really don’t think they’re in a position to drive our national government in any particular direction whatsoever…  But in regards to the TSA, I’d be delighted to see some “simplistic” refusals–a demand to simply say no to this increasingly ridiculous operation that, however genuine its intentions, has obviously become locked into a way of thinking about airport security that sees the whole matter as a balance between “privacy” and “safety,” with all other values–like dignity–being non-quantifiable and therefore irrelevant. Yes, I think it’d be wonderful to see the Tea Party movement turn on the TSA, perhaps if the organization’s latest actions can be painted as “unconstitutional” somehow. Let’s try to make sure that Glen Beck has to fly on a commercial airline sometime in the near future, and see what he thinks of it all. No doubt he’ll find a way to connect it all to an Obama-inspired communist conspiracy, but at least that might mean TSA could find itself facing a serious Congressional inquiry, for once. - FPR

The US Senate may in fact be getting into the act.



Reader Comments (2)

Here's a fun little activity: if you go to http://contact.tsa.dhs.gov/mytsa/cib_home.aspx , you can type in the things you'd like to bring through the checkpoint - dignity, constitutional protections, etc. - and if they're not in the TSA's database (of course), you can click a button to send the request to the TSA.
November 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
Not surprisingly, "Fourth amendment rights' came back as "Not Found".
November 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

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