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TSA chief to Senate: I'm not backing down

TSA Head Honcho John Pistole told the Senate today that the use of nude-o-scopes and groping was necessary and he was not going to change any of the current policies.  While the majority of Senators were not happy with these new procedures, Homeland Security chair Joe Lieberman of CT, gave it a big thumbs up.

I wonder what will happen when the person to try to blow up a plane puts the explosives in his recturm?

Here’s the whole story in USA Today:


USA Today

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (2)

According to drudgereport.com--- the former DHS chief---
Chertoff got a" sweetheart " deal selling naked scanners
to TSA.
This makes one wonder if it's all about money more than safety
of the passengers.Next we could have these naked scanners in
schools/colleges/postoffices, etc. Some folks are likely to make
a lot of money.
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan
Dan, Brad posted an article about this same subject. Look a few posts down from this one.
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank II

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