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My TSA news blurbs on Twitter

In the interest of not overdoing it on the TSA news stories I’ll begin posting many of them on my Twitter feed only (see the right sidebar just below the orange feed button). You can go to the stories from that panel even if you aren’t on Twitter. Links to all regular OBOW blog posts appear there by default as well.


Reader Comments (3)

That's fine but I'm sorry to say that the blitz you are on with this subject makes it impossible to follow you on Twitter. Letting your opinions be known is one thing but I just feel like I'm being beaten over the head with it now. It's your site, blog, and Twitter account but in my opinion you're veering away from what made your site attractive in the first place.
November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt
Matt, Everything waxes and wanes. They do on this blog too. The wax and wane does not affect the tides of all the people all the time. It depends on your interests and patience. Sometimes you have to wait for the returning wax, sometimes you welcome the wane. Sometimes you can't wait to see the last of the wame, sometimes the wax wakes you up. Be loyal, wait and see.
November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Matt, the forum has long since been the best place for techniques and user reviews. I'm just one person; I'm no guru and I don't expect everyone to care what I think.
November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad

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