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Keeping valuables safe

When I started traveling way back in the pre-digital days, there were no cellphones, internet, laptops or anything more advanced than a Sony Walkman. Expensive watches and jewelry were left at home. Keeping valuables safe meant protecting your passport, cash and credit cards.

Today, many of us travel with a slew of gadgets—laptops, Ipad, Ipods, cellphones, smartphones, GPS, etc, etc. All of these items make a thief salivate. To make sure he doesn’t get them, we have to take precautions  to keep them safe both in our hotel rooms and when we’re out and about.

For me, step one is a moneybelt. While this doesn’t protect my electronics, I know my passport, credit cards, train tickets, cash or anything else in this category is safe.

Next, depending on where I’m going, I may use a PacSafe bag. Currently, I like the Metrosafe 250. (A review will come soon.)  This will hold a netbook if I’m traveling with one, my Blackberry, my IPod Touch and even a small digital camera should I have one.

In my room, anything else is either in a hotel room safe, if one is available, or locked in my luggage, which in turn may be locked to a piece of furniture.

I’m opening it up to anyone who has any unique suggestions they’d like to share regarding safekeeping of valuables while on the road.

Reader Comments (6)

There is this....
or this style......
http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/hanger-safe (I have something similar to this one for home use).

I have one of these for days when I don't carry a bag and no pockets in my clothing......

There is the old fake book trick, we bought one for my husband's niece when she was living at a college dorm, there had been some theft going on. She kept small valuables inside the hollowed-out book and no one ever knew or wanted to 'read' the book.......very boring business title, reference book. I have one as well.
December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
I have been using one of these as my only wallet, for about 5 years and it is great for everyday use and for travel.
December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobert B
Wouldn't a locked bag that has been locked to the dresser scream "slash me open for goodies?"
December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul
I've never found a way to hide something in a hotel room that I thought an experienced maid/pilferer couldn't find. They've surely seen it all. Locking something well would slow them down though and would make their pilferage readily apparent - both deterrents. They probably like to steal things in ways so that the items won't be immediately/obviously missed.
December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
I don't take many valuables. I have one set of jewelry I always wear when traveling that looks professional but I wouldn't cry over if they disappeared.

The only other valuables are things I carry on my person such as my iPhone, passport, etc. I always take only what I will definitely need, reducing the size of my purse significantly. The passport and extra cash goes in my hidden neck bag, and I've always been very diligent about my purse, even at home. Thieves don't care whether you're a local or a tourist.

I'm lucky that I have never needed to carry a computer for work since a netbook wouldn't cut it.

No expensive bags for me since the more expensive I look, the more likely I am to be robbed. I keep everything pretty simple yet keep it professional.
December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterK-eM
I just don't worry about maids stealing things. I take it easy and relax. And in 6 years of doing 150 nights per year (most in Asia), I haven't had a single problem. (I hope I'm not jinxing myself here) If they want to steal, they will. But most won't. If I'm really worried, I throw the valuables in my briefcase with me when I leave the room for the day. Easy. Just relax.
December 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMH

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