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Attack of the swabs

USA Today reports that roving bands of swab-wielding TSA agents will make “random” explosive residue checks of carry-on luggage at and around checkpoints and gates. Pack neatly so as not to inconvenience our public servants.

Reader Comments (15)

Roving swabs....pat down at gates.....

And the Oscar goes to......
February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
I pack the way I want to. Thousands Standing Around can work with my packing, which is legal to meet the basic guidelines. One of the paranoia panderers made a suggestion to me two years ago about my packing and I told her she needed to show more respect to her elders. I'm just waiting to be swabbed.
February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
Is the TSA in cahoots with the Dry Cleaning Association of America? I flew twice in January and (as a Canadian) we were required to check all bags (since repealed). At my hotel I opened up my bags to discover the "TSA note" and my shampoo leaking out of its safe zip lock bag. Once I can understand..but twice...
February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave the K
I'll bet whoever makes the virtual strip machines and the portable swab machines has paid off someone to get TSA to order so much equipment. But then, it seems both Congress and the U.S. Government are now for sale to the highest bidder.
February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
In principle, not a bad idea. But I have some potential issues.

1) Will the selection be truly random (which means that every member of the population is as likely to be selected as every other member)? That would mean no discretion in the selection to the TSA employee, but some criterion like "every 100th person through the door"...and it can't be the screener doing the counting. This matters, because some people have reported being selected more often than chance would suggest, and have theorized that it's because they look like cooperative and easily examined folks.

2) Will the swabbing result in false positives, for example, if I have spent the morning of my flight applying granular fertilizer to my lawn. The answer may be to be certain to carefully scrub my hands; but if that avoids a false positive for me, would not a bomber equally avoid detection just by carefully washing his hands?

Gary Williams
February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGary Williams
Useless measure. More security theatre and more cost. Is this ever going to end? It is useless because terrorists are not dimwits like the national security people. They will use rubber gloves and very clean facilities to make their bombs. They will also wash their hands very well and make sure any luggage would not be contaminated.

Besides, transporting explosives in body cavities or colostomy bags is still the most promising method. The only way you can catch that is cavity search, full x-ray or German shepherds sniffing out every passengers crotch. Hopefully, they will stop short of that.

And that doesn't even count the weak spots of unscreened cargo, airside sabotage, hostage taking etc.

Why are people so darn naive that they swallow the BS they are fed?

February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
So, Till0, what do we do about it? Start a movement? The sarcasm I use towards Thousands Standing Around personnel does't have any effect.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
So, Till0, what do we do about it? Start a movement? The sarcasm I use towards Thousands Standing Around personnel does't have any effect.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
Sorry for the misspelling, Till. I'm working in the dark at 2:40AM
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
The answer came to me in the middle of the night. Brad can begin a movement that will have all air travellers wear blue surgical rubber gloves from the time they enter an airport until the time they sit down in the plane. I'm pretty serious about this.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
No - gloves are likely to the next banned item.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
At least the sarcasm helps on a personal level to decrease the frustration. ;) It might help when somebody who hasn't been elucidated reads it. But on this forum non-elucidated people will be hard to find, that I admit.

I suppose that if you were to wear gloves, that would make you a "random" test target even quicker.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
Look at it this way. All the Thousands Standing Around are wearing gloves and we aren't. Do they sanitize each tub after each use? Do they change gloves after handling a passenger or bag? Do they sanitize the tables and rollers leading into THE MACHINE. I thing we should have every right to protect ourselves from whatever it is they are protecting themseves from, and while I might not start wearing rubber gloves soon I intend to start asking out the sanitary conditions of the security check area, if they have changed gloves after the last person, etc.You bet I will.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte L. Steiger
In fact, a poster on FT recommended you ask them to use new swabs, gloves and also the sample disk in the machine for each transaction. I am not quite sure what that disk is but I suppose it is the plate that the swab is put on for scanning. If there were any explosive particles on any of these items before they might alarm when they do your test. That's why it's good to start with fresh equipment.

It is also a mild form of civil disobedience when you make the process more onerous in time and resources for them. At the same time it may attract the attention of bystanders and raise awareness.

Too many people are not aware. And TSA doesn't do anything to make them aware as we can see from the lack of signage explaining what body scanners do, for example.
February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
Airport security screenings are just another way that the ruling elites have to keep you scared and obedient. Think about it. Rather than being proactive and screen for suspicious behavior, they have become reactive and have used such incidents as justification for taking away more of your liberties. Take off your shoes, empty your pockets, throw away your liquids, control, control, control... be afraid.

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrancor

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