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Euro liquidity

The European Union will end current restrictions on liquids in air passengers’ hand luggage by April 2013 in an overhaul of aviation security, the EU’s executive said on Thursday.

European airports will have to install new technology capable of detecting liquid explosives as a result of the move.- Reuters via Globe & Mail

I’m filing this in the “Don’t hold your breath” category. This depends on the assumption that the proper (very expensive) scanners will be in place across Europe in time — doubtful in my opinion. One unfortunate incident and everything changes. We all know that.

Reader Comments (4)

And you know what TSA will say: Any flight arriving in the U.S. or flying over the U.S. will have to abide by the 3.4 oz rule. That will make it tough for the Europeans.
April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
As I fly within Europe once I'm there, I can't see me changing back from dry toiletries to liquid just because they're allowing it again. The restrictions have never stopped me stocking up at Body Shop once I'm airside returning home......which makes a complete farce of the whole thing anyway.

I'm surprised any one can afford to install those machines after the huge financial losses from the volcanic ash event.
April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
Affordability is never a concern of public agencies. Nor is punctuality, so expect this can to be (repeatedly) kicked down the road. Depending of course on the political connections of the scanner manufacturers...
May 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCharles
I can't see myself ever needing to carry more than a liter of liquids.
May 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndy Mesa

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