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An app for that - jet lag

Teaming up with the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, Virgin Atlantic has released the Jet Lag Fighter; an app that is compatible with both iPhones and iPads.

To fight jet lag using the…well… Fighter, you’ll first need to type in your flight details as well as a few personal details like age, sex, and any history of insomnia (or sleep patterns). The app then does some crunching and spits out a jet lag fighting itinerary with exact times of day to do some basic activities like sleeping and exercising.

It also tells you when to seek out some light or when to avoid it altogether along with a predictor that tells you exactly which day and time your jet lag will be eliminated. - Matadorgoods.com

(itunes address)

Reader Comments (1)

I just bought this for $2. It does not work unless you give them your email address.

This is unacceptable for a program that you pay for. Who needs more spam?
May 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt S

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