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Might need, might not

Here’s an entertaining article from Fodor’s (gleaned from their forums) on unconventional items that seasoned travelers pack. You won’t need them all but a few have merit, even for the ultralight crowd. A sampling:

  • Inflatable ice bucket
  • Duct tape wrapped around a pen ( I use s small plastic bottle from which the top and bottom have been cut off - crushable but not so tight as a pen)
  • Collapsible flower vase(!?!)
  • Ziploc washing machine (we get that)

Reader Comments (9)

For the impromptu bottle of champagne and a dozen roses perhaps?

Brad - good idea regarding the duct tape not being around a pen or pencil - way too tight. Plus the large plastic zip lock bag for washing laundry is a good idea too.
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaria
I carry a small roll of duct tape without the tube. You can buy them like that in any outdoor store.
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndy
I make my own so I can use the high-grade all-weather tape. It's color is less "duct tapey" as well.
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
I shake my smalls around in large Ziplocs, bit like mixing a strange cocktail. :-)
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
I can just picture the scene: A romantic get away for two, complete with champagne chilling in it's own inflatable cooler; along side a fragrant bouquet also, nestled in a whimsical inflatable vase. All that's missing is seeing the look of surprise on your loved one's face... but first, you must blow up your date.
Addendum: if you must carry inflatable travel gear you will eventually use duct tape.
June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie
Hey, the ziplock washing machine works. I used it for a week last summer in Prague. Just an extra large ziplock bag (holds like 5 gallons). Clothes go in, dash of soap powder, water from the shower tap, shake shake, shake, pour out. Water in twice to rinse and then roll out the water as much as possible. Hang on Rick Steves clothes line in front of windows and laundry is done till tomorrow.
The bags are on Amazon.com at http://tinyurl.com/2b2dvhc .
June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael R
I use the ziplock washing machine with my usual powdered detergent, or hotel shampoo. BTW, washing pashminas or cashmere jumpers, that way, with a squirt of conditioner in the first rinse lesaves them beautifully clean and soft - very much better than dry cleaning!

Also carry duct tape wrapped around an Ikea pencil, or a small pill vial containing a few assorted safety pins, a buttin that will match the colour of the shirt I am bringing, and a couple of needles, ready threaded with approptiate coloured cotton and stuck into a piece of card, with the tails wound around to stop tangling.
June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOzBarb
IMHO Hefty One Zip XXL Big Bags are better than the Ziplocks. They stay closed better while at the same time being easier to open & close.

But in either case the BigBag washing machine concept works great.
June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDannH
For those who find many uses for duct tape, consider buying a roll of coban sometime and spend a bit of time using it for various things. Coban is a type of medical wrap. It can be bought in a size similar to duct tape. It's not really tape though-- it only sticks to itself. So, it isn't sticky to the touch and there isn't a sticky side. It can be very, very strong if applied properly. It does take a bit of experience to figure out how to use efficiently-- we all learned how to use duct tape as children and thus it seems entirely self-evident now. Coban is a different type of substance, so you'll have to put a little effort into figuring out how to use it to solve problems, but once you do, you'll see there are some distinct advantages.
June 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHigh Roller

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