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STOP me!

Wow, I’m off on car trip to a three-day meeting and Short Trip OverPacking Syndrome (STOPS) is alive and well.  This is also the first time I will have traveled with my new (and hated) CPAP machine. The load is: briefcase with netbook, Western Flyer with CPAP, toiletries, and underclothing, hang-up suit bag with business casual clothes. Foolishly I have two sport coats and will probably need none. At least there’ll be no wrinkles.

Reader Comments (5)

Stop you? NO!! You need more stuff, a box of wine, half a case of beer. paper towel roll, water, plunger, ets. We just got back from five days in Portland yesterday and added more stuff, three bottles of single malt, a Russian spoon, a grandchild and alll his stuff, food, etc. You are packing a little short for a car trip where one bag carry-on rules need not apply. Remember your hat and coat.
June 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
This is a common ailment afflicting many a one-bagger. Here are my suggestions to get over it:

1) Get everything you plan to take on this trip and walk around the block three times. This will simulate the walk from entering an airport terminal to the gate.

2) Put a table just outside your front door. Have your wife dress up in her deepest blue outfit. Have her make you place all of your items on the table. Then walk back and forth through the door at least three times simulating the WTMD. Then, have her open all of your belongings and check everything. She can then proceed to give you a body pat down. (you might want to do this inside.)

3) Ask all of your neighbors to come by and stand in a line in front of you between your front door and the car. Have each of them bring one small to large carry-on bag and put them in your car. You will be last and must make room for your belongings. If not, they stay home.

If you still want to take everything after all of the above, go ahead. It's a car trip. No big deal.
June 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
Breathe easier knowing your CPAP will not be dismantled by overzealous TSA agents; to assuage your guilt, think of your vehicle as one stylin' wheelie bag.
June 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie
Guilty as charged. Overpacking was one of the big disappointments of our family trip a few weeks ago (tar balls in the gulf being the other...) Too many shirts, shorts, laptops, toys, and stuff. Lean and light even for a family trip would have made our trip much simpler.
July 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstevenshytle
I'm glad to see a mention of STOP syndrome, as I'm going a a 3 day car trip in a couple of weeks. For my wife it's work, but for me strictly leisure. No lap top, maybe no cell phone. I will probably take 1 jacket but otherwise I'm not trying to stay light. Plenty of clothes for me, including multiple work out gear. I have been on the road during the week for several months now, generally around 18-20 lbs for my bag, and I will enjoy taking more junk than I need.
July 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaxD

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