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Outlets three plus USB

Here’s a useful device: the Monster Outlets to Go 300 turns one AC plug into three and provides two USB outlets. It would be cool if you could go USB-USB and charge a laptop without the proprietary power block and cord. That would save weight, but I assume that’s impossible (I checked - it is impossible). At least this adapter would let you charge your laptop and USB devices at the same time, without plugging those devices into the charging laptop. (HT: Scott Carmichael at Gadling)

Reader Comments (2)

If you don't need USB there's one VERY similar by Philips. There's a cord so you can put it off to the side, or if you want it wraps around the back an plugs in almost the same way.

July 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn
Some size and weight specs would be nice from Monster. It looks smaller than a similar Belkin product I have, but would be nice to know for sure.

July 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

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