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TSA's (felonious?) follies

Now that’s what I call a checkpoint:

At what point does an airport search step over the line?

How about when they start going through your checks, and the police call your husband, suspicious you were clearing out the bank account? - read more (HT: Jeff)

Tangled up in blue:

 A former supervisor for the federal Transportation Security Administration has pleaded guilty to stealing $20,000 worth of jewelry and other items from checked luggage at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. - read more

Reader Comments (6)

My only response is to quote the "Meck Deck" commentary on the Philly search:

See, in an actual free republic what happens next is you cold cock — or groin strike, depending on your gender — that cowardly fraud in uniform, gather your belongings, leave your contact info, and be on your way. Upon landing you receive an in-person apology from TSA (along with details on the firings/suspensions they’ve handed down) and a hearty handshake. The next day you receive a note of apology, an offer for settlement, and a nice bunch of flowers from the Philly PD.

But this being fascist America, Kathy Parker can count on being on a no-fly/red label list until her dying days.
August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCharles
Even if the Parker case were a result of a problematic "divorce", the checks she had in her possession could not be construed as part of a criminal matter per se; definitely had no bearing on airport/passenger safety. Overall, a shocking breach of civil liberties, plus a complete waste of time and resources that were misdirected from areas that could have potentially needed transportation safety oversight.

If TSA is incapable of understanding and enforcing the "security" portion of their job description (both within and outside their ranks) they have absolutely no business venturing into other areas of law enforcement.
August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie
As well as all of the obove comments, I smell a blatant case of sexism. If the passenger would have been the husband, would the Thousands Standing Around called the wife. I think not. These are bad people.
August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Next thing you know - the TSA will claim paper can be used as a weapon, paper cuts and all that. Still, would this woman have any grounds to sue, complain, will this make a difference etc., other than the news article. It just gives the flying public more reason to be discouraged by the system. WIll anything come of this? Cowboys on a power trip.
August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaria
Since divorce is a civil matter, why get the police involved? Neither police nor TSA have jurisdiction. I think a lawsuit is in order.
September 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLarry
Crimeny... And I routinely forget to take my 3-1-1 bag out of my carry-on when I go through screening, with nary a glance from the TSA. Makes you wonder!
September 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCoCoYoYo

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