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Touching development

The light traveler’s best (techie) friend just got a lot more visual:

So we just got our hands on the new iPod touch… and boy is it small. As you would expect, the functionality of the device is identical to the iPhone 4, as well as the functions of the cameras. In essence, it’s a much thinner iPhone 4, with no cell radio and a lower quality still camera. The design is relatively in keeping with previous touches, so no major surprises there, but the inclusion of that A4 chip, higher resolution screen, and front and back cameras makes it a far more versatile device. Take a look at the gallery below if you’re wondering just how much of a sliver this is — it makes the iPhone 4 look… fat. - Engadget

Reader Comments (3)

My first reading of the reviews was that the new iPod Touch did NOT have a GPS, which unfortunately precludes some programs that would allow a traveler to use it to find there way around. I hope I am....wrong.
September 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Birnbaum
Nope, no GPS. And the low-res camera is a disappointment. Still the ability to use Face Time for video calls and the built in microphone make it a worthwhile buy for me.
September 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAC
Frankly, I don't understand why Apple doesn't provide a multi-tiered approach to their products and prices. They can well afford to try this approach at least once, instead of in the current piecemeal manner. Presumbably, Apple could have added all the features that already exist on an iPhone to the Touch. So why not have more than one choice for consumers- like at least two if not three, at the onset of the marketing campaign? Pricing choices accordingly, so consumers can choose between something expensive and fully loaded or something more basic and cheaper- just seems smarter and ultimately way ahead of the competition. Personally, I look at the merits of a product as it applies to the qualities of lifestyle I want and can afford. Thus, I'm only as loyal to a brand, as the brand is loyal to the needs and desires of its consumers.
September 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

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