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Daily Roundup--November 2, 2011

The TSA test program allowing passengers who supply personal information to sail through security checkpoints has been successful so far and will soon be expanded to more airports.


The State of Arizona wants to expand the airport at the Grand Canyon believing it will bring much more revenue to the state and the area with direct commercial flights. The Park Service says the Grand Canyon is already handling too many visitors. As someone who has visited the Canyon more times than I can remember and being stuck in numerous traffic jams, I’m tossed on this one. I’d hate to see the Canyon get more crowded but I understand the need in this economy for states and municipalities to do what it can to increase revenue.

Four years after being introduced, most major carriers utilize some type of electronic boarding pass. Here’s one reporters experience and suggestions for use. Personally, I’ve never used one. I still like the paper type—seems much simpler.




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