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Daily Roundup--November 21, 2011

The Australian government announced they will be lifting the restriction on liquids in carry-on bags early next year. This is similar to an announcement made by the EU a  year ago but when the time came they changed their mind. And while the article says it’s aimed at international travelers (out of Australia), they still have to follow the rules of the destination countries. As an example, the U.S. will not allow any flight to  use it’s airspace unless a liquid restriction is in effect.


More Australia news: Talks between Qantas and it’s major unions have broken off and are headed towards arbitration.


The City of Berlin will implement a 5% tax on hotel rooms in 2013. It’s a way for the third most visited capital in Europe, after London and Paris, to earn much needed extra income.


According to Bloomberg News, complaints against the TSA have fallen to an all time low. Either TSA is getting better or people are realizing that complaining gets them absolutely nowhere.


The UK says air passengers flying into or out of UK airports can’t opt out of a body scan. While in many countries, passengers are allowed to choose a pat down instead, UK officials feel a pat down is not as efficient as going through the body scanning machine.


London Mayor Boris Johnson says London needs another international airport. It seems five aren’t enough.


To our Canadian friends: 20% discounts on Porter and Air Canada flights. Good until tomorrow night.


Chase in introducing another credit card in the U.S. with “smart chip” technology. It’s a visa card co-branded with British Airways. The annual cost is $95. The U.S. is one of the last places in the modern world that has not switched from “swipe” technology to “smart chip.”







Reader Comments (1)

It's a shame about Qantas. Was going to book them for a trip down under next year but the company's troubles have me going with another airline... because I just don't know whether the flight will actually be there.
November 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

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