March 11, 2011
FAA orders oxygen masks out of the lav
The FAA has announced it ordered all airlines last month toremove oxygen masks from all aircraft lavatories.
While they wouldn’t go into detail, the agency said it was for “security” purposes and they wanted to have the work done before it became public.
The agency said it is now working with manufacturers to replace the old systems with new ones. Until then, it’s instructing flight attendants to check lavatories in times of oxygen emergencies.
(Frank II)
Reader Comments (1)
Come to think of it this may even be possible with just some water in the cabin. Pour powder in water which then reacts and creates the gas.
But then they could still trigger the oxygen masks and be safe or at least not all dead. But if the gas actually comes from the oxygen masks that's not possible.
Scary thought. I wonder what took them 9.5 years to think of that. :(