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Daily Roundup--May 30, 2012

Delta Airlines lost a champion pole vaulter’s poles enroute to an important qualifying match last week. The pole vaulter had to use borrowed poles and didn’t do well. The airline offered its usual “voucher” excuse. Would it really be so bad to just say, “We’re sorry?” Oh yeah, their lawyers won’t allow them.


A restaurant in Rome alerted the media that Facebook kazillionaire Mark Zuckerberg and his bride neglected to leave a tip after enjoying a honeymoon lunch. Shocking some said as tips are “expected” from Americans. Italians and other Europeans don’t tip in Italy where instead customers will leave small change since the tip is usually included and the staff is paid a living wage—unlike in the U.S. So, do you tip just because you’re worried what people will think of you? And as for the restaurant, they’re getting a lot of publicity for a lot of nonsense.I think it makes them look petty but I’m sure there will be a lot of people who’ll want to eat where Zuckerberg “stiffed the staff.” Will they put a plaque on the table and charge more to sit there?


Gadling has a good article on How To Avoid Looking Like A Tourist.


We, at times, tend to complain about airport security. While grandma was getting a “full” pat down, a newly released convict was able to sneak onto a flight at San Diego International Airport without a ticket. Unbelievable.

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