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Roundup--June 13, 2012

Hi all. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve changed the name of these columns to “Roundup” rather than “Daily Roundup” because they haven’t been very “daily.” Either there wasn’t much to report on or I just didn’t have the time to get to it. So, instead, I’ll post “Roundup” columns  when I have a few items to discuss where none merits a posting unto itself.


As many of you know, some airlines are beginning to charge for premium seats. This can mean either a separate section, and exit row, or simply an aisle or window seat. Our friends at AirFareWatchdog have put together a chart of what it costs to select your seat location.


United Airlines has upped the fee for a second checked bag to Europe. It’s now $100 each way. Save even more by being a onebagger.


While wi-fi is fairly common for overland flights, more and more airlines are offering satellite wi-fi on transoceanic flights.


Financial problems in much of southern Europe aren’t just affecting banks and investors. Money earmarked to preserve national landmarks is drying up and many older statues and buildings are crumbling. One particular landmark that has seen recent problems is the Trevi Fountain in Rome. Natural disasters in Italy have recently destroyed so much. Too bad lack of money may destroy even more.



Reader Comments (1)

I didn't think that charging for premium seats was anything new or recent. I started flying more frequently 5 years ago and have paid an extra $20-$50 for window seats on most trips. On at least one occasion that extra $50 was SPECIFICALLY b/c the "scenic view" -- I kid you not. I was flying out of PHL to LAS on a 7am flight and yes, the view was nice.

I think it's pratty crappy on the part of the airlines but hey, I'm the sucker willing to cough up the extra to get what I want :/
June 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCoCoYoYo

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