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Regional Carrier Comair to Shut Down

Delta Airlines owned regional carrier Comair will cease operations on Sept. 29.

Delta says it will replace many of the current 50 seat aircraft with more mainline equipment but that regional aircraft are still important. Many of those flights are contracted out to other carriers flying under the Delta Connection banner.

Delta insists passengers should not have a problem but it will be a major economic blow to the Cincinnati area where Comair is based. About 1600 people are expected to lose their jobs.

The dissolution of ownership between major carriers and their regional affiliates is not precedented at Delta. American Airlines, currently operating under bankruptcy, is looking for ways to part with its regional carrier, American Eagle.

Comair operates Canadair regional jets with the majority being the 50 seat CRJ100. It also has one of the oldest regional jet fleets in the industry.

On a side note, when Delta merged wtih Northwest, it also acquired two other regional airline companies, Compass and Mesaba. Both continue to operate.


Reader Comments (2)

For the employees of Comair sorry for you loss. Northwest has destroyed Comair. Yes Northwest Airlines bbought the Delta name. I would say my aircraft is broken and not fly it make them get you a new aircraft until the final days. Delta Managment sold you out with the merger Who is Delta kidding Northwest runs the show. Just remember they could care less about you they only care about the bottom dollar. Although I miss Comair and the people there is life after Comair. Again don't forget to Thank Northwest.
July 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAffected Comair
After Northwest gained its Northworst nickname and might have had to pay for all the mishap they inflicted on passengers,,

In 1999, keeping them stuck, on the tarmac, in the winter cold with no food, water or working toilets.

They bought bankrupt Delta and switched names.

So sorry for the people of Comair and Cincinnati.
July 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFun Travel

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