
Shoes The Pros Wear
Recently, we’ve had discussion in our Reader’s Forum about shoes—with one admittedly started by me.
So isn’t it nice that the New York Times has an article today titled Shoes The Pros Wear. In it, they interviewed numerous tour guides in Europe and asked them what they wore.
Reader Comments (8)
I posted about my Skechers GOWalks on the forum. After clocking up thousands of miles in heavier shoes throughout my years, I've finally clued in that my feet want as nature intended......lightweight shoes.
Why on earth did we slog around with weights on our feet! Thank goodness today's technology allows a greater choice and better comfort.
I do have Birkenstock and Dansko clogs, but I don't wear them for walking, they are more for lessening leg and back strain when standing around for hours. I bought my Dansko clogs after reading that many chefs wear them at work, people on their feet for hours at a time.
If you have areas prone to blisters, pretreat the area with liquid bandage. It will reduce the chaffing and will most likely prevent blisters from occurring in the first place. If a blister does form, rinse and wash with a betadine solution made from soaking the betadine wipes in a glass of warm water. Betadine not only disinfects the area, but it also helps dry the wound. Waterproof bandaids adhere better to the area behind the ankles and forms a complete seal around the wound so no dirt or dust (or moisture) can get to it. Blisters heal faster :)
I also wanted to add that I usually love French pharmacists, but the one time I had traveler's feet (where your feet inexplicably swell up and comfortable broken-in shoes suddenly become uncomfortable), I bump into a stubborn one :( This is also why I bring 3 pairs of shoes on any trip that includes one pair shower shoes/flip flops and one pair that will accommodate swollen feet.
In transit (and the thousand miles we all walk at the large airports) I do prefer to wear my sneakers, but when on the plane my feet prefer being in clogs or slides that can be kicked off easily.
I also pack a few items for my feet. One is a Body Shop peppermint spray......gosh that feels good after a day of schlepping around.
It would help if it was available in retail stores in the U.S.