


Entries by Frank@OBOW (1369)


Daily Roundup--March 2, 2012

American Airlines is following other airlines and will be offering a few rows in coach with extra legroom. It’s called “Main Cabin Extra” and it will give some passengers an extra 4-6 inches of leg room. However, it won’t be available to everyone. Read the fine print.


United/Continental Airlines will merge its computer systems tomorrow. They claim it should not affect any passengers. My fingers are crossed.


Frontier Airlines is dropping its hubs in Milwaukee and Kansas City as it rebrands itself an ultra lowcost carrier.


Daily Roundup--February 29, 2012

The TSA’s pre-screening program, “TSA Pre,” has begun at JFK airport in NY. So far it’s limited to Ameican Airlines.


The Dept. of Transportation is lifting its 1250 mile limit on flights into and out of Washington’s Reagan Airport (DCA). Starting later in the spring, the DOT will allow up to eight flights a day to go past this limit. AA has already announced a nonstop to LAX and United has one to SFO. Wide body aircraft are still not allowed so those flights will be on a 757 and 737 respectively.


Airbus is looking into widening the aisle seats on some of its Airbus A320 aircraft to help accommodate larger passengers. In turn, the middle and window seats would be made smaller. Is that really the reason or is yet another way for airlines to make money by selling aisle seats at a premium price?


How many of these rules regarding international food etiquette did you know?



I’ve started a 1Bag1World Pinterest board. Looking for suggestions on what to add.





Daily Rounup--February 28, 2011

Rick Steves is having a special Facebook sale on his Civita Day Bag. It’s only $5 plus shipping. The sale is only on until 5 PM PT on Thursday, February 29. It normally sells for $30. Until I switched to a messenger bag, I used this bag for years. You must use the link I included in this paragraph to get the deal.


Full body scanners are safe according to a new study from the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security. In a report released today, they said a passenger would have to be screened 47 times a day for a year to exceed acceptable limits. Some, including members of Congress, aren’t buying it. They want a completely independent study.


There’s an interesting thread with tips for women traveling solo over at the Tom Bihn forum.




Daily Roundup--February 27, 2012

Another Costa Cruises ship is in trouble. This time it’s the Costa Allegra which had to battle a fire in the engine room. Fortunately, the fire was put out and no one was hurt. However, the fire left the ship without power and it’s currently drifting about 200 miles SW of the Seychelles. Rescue boats are on the way. As a precaution while battling the blaze, passengers were told to assemble at their muster points as a precaution. I guess the cruise line learned a lesson from last month.


Argentina turned away two Carnival Cruise ships from entering the port town of Ushuaia invoking a rule denying entry to vessels linked to Great Britain. As most of you know, Britain and Argentina are in disputes over the Falkland Islands. While the passengers lose out in visiting Argentina, it’s really the people of the port city who lose the most—as in tourist dollars. The two ships in question are run by Princess Cruises and P & O cruises both of which are based in the UK but owned by Carnival. Carnival also owns Costa Cruises (see above story.) The two ships denied entry had previously visited the Falklands before heading for Argentina. 


The strike by ground workers at Frankfurt airport is back on. Nearly 200 flights have been cancelled with 140 from Lufthansa alone. The airline says its long haul flights to North America will not be affected. I’m guessing anyone making a connection, however, might be. The strike is scheduled to last until Thursday.


Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be nice. On a recent Southwest flight, an air traffic controller told the captain his mother was on board and it was her birthday. So, the captain made an announcement stating they had a special “mom on board.” Unfortunately, the way the PA systems on planes work, the passengers thought they heard the pilot say there was a “bomb on board.” Mayhem ensued and it took the crew awhile to calm the passengers down. Even an explanation by the captain didn’t convince everyone.


Daily Roundup--February 23, 2012

Have you ever sat next to the seatmate-from-hell? Non stop talker, bad breath, takes up too much room, etc? Now a few airlines are experimenting with a way to let you choose your seatmate. Rather than supply them with lots of personal information, I think I’ll just “wing it.”


Earlier this month, Hungarian based Malev Airlines went belly up. As part of the OneWorld alliance, Malev and American Airlines partnered on flights. American would fly from the USA to Budapest and Malev would take it from there. Now that Malev is history, American has decided to drop it’s Budapest service. Gee, what a surprise. On the upside, they’re replacing it with an additional flight from Dallas to London.


Delta is now offering wi-fi on all its Shuttle flights.  Those are flights between NY Laguardia and Boston, Washington Reagan (I still call it National) and Chicago’s O’hare.


Daily Roundup--February 22, 2012

The Frankfurt Airport strike is finally coming to and end tonight after five days. The union representing the ground workers who park and move aircraft has agreed to a new round of talks. Over 1000 flights were effected with about half belonging to Lufthansa.


Israel is banning the use of turboprop aircraft by two of its smaller airlines—Arkia and Israir. The country wants to put specially designed anti-missile equipment on all its nation’s airliners but the devices only work on jets. Israel fears that some anti-aircraft missiles formerly in the Libyan arsenal may have found their way into the hands of militants. Both airlines fly ATR’s and have been given two years to phase out the aircraft.


Daily Roundup--February 21, 2012

Every yearhundreds of thousands of dollars in loose change  is left at TSA checkpoints. The money has, in the past, been kept by TSA and used as part of their operating. But now there’s a bill in Congress that would give that money to the USO instead of a government agency. Good idea.


United is adding Istanbul to its route network. Look for nonstops from Newark starting July 1.


Some of the guests staying on the fourth floor of the Beverly Hilton the day Whitney Houston died are asking for refunds. They claim there was so much commotion they couldn’t sleep and the extra security made it difficult to get to their rooms. So far, the hotel has said no.

It’s Mardi Gras….Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!



Daily Roundup--February 20, 2012

Lots of airline news:

—Air Australia ran out of money last week and grounded its entire fleet. It stranded about 4,000 passengers.

—Qantas’ profits took a nosedive and the airline announced another 500 job cuts.

—Kingfisher has canceled a number of flights due to financial problems. The Indian government isn’t happy and said they won’t bail out the company.

—Lufthansa has had to cancel numerous flights due to an ongoing strike at Frankfurt airport. Other airlines are also affected but none as bad as Lufthansa. The strike will continue into Tuesday.

—Continental Airlines flight’s may disappear in about two weeks. No, not the flights themselves but the name. Continental and United Airlines merged in 2010 and now  all flights will be listed as United’s. No exact date has been given for the change.


Daily Roundup--February 16, 2012


Tripadvisor’s hotel reviews will now be included in hotel searches on Kayak.com.


The Beverly Hilton Hotel has decided not to rent out the room in which Whitney Houston died anytime soon. BTW, it’s room 434.


Spirit Airlines will start flying out of Denver again this May.


Next time the person sitting next to you says they want get off the plane quickly, don’t do what this guy in Vietnam did. Even if that person has a crying baby.


And the stupid pilot of the day award goes to the guy in California caught flying a Cessna with over 20 lbs of marijuana onboard. How did he get caught? He entered restricted airspace over LAX just as President Obama was returning to the airport on Marine One. A couple of F-16’s kindly escorted the wayward pilot to Long Beach Airport where he was met by local law enforcement.


Daily Roundup--February 15, 2012

McDonalds France is redoing the menu to include cheeseburgers on baguette with a choice of gourmet cheeses. If they did that here, I might try it. Okay, I would definitely try it. 


Anyone traveling through Frankfurt, Germany tomorrow can expect some delays due to a strike by airport workers.


TSA is expanding the program that allows pilots to get  to get expedited screening. This will not only get pilots through quicker but out of the passenger line as well so we can get though quicker. I guess TSA was concerned the pilots might bring something on board that was detrimental to the safety of the aircraft. No mention of the fact that there is an ax in every cockpit and these same people WERE ACTUALLY FLYING THE PLANE. (Not to mention the mandatory background checks.)


Delta Airlines is upgrading its entire Boeing 747 fleet to lie flat seats in business class.




Daily Roundup--February 14, 2012

Do you have any leftover gift cards that haven’t been used? How about exchanging them for FF miles on United Continental airlines?


It turns out that 2011 was the best year for airlines in regard to mishandled bags and bumped passengers. In other words, both were at the lowest level. Congratulations to the airlines but I still prefer to carry-on.


Have you ever thought about or have traveled solo? This article sums up some of its benefits.


And if Vegas doesn’t have enough to do, the new Mob Museum opened today. No word on whether they’re making any offers you can’t refuse—like discounted admission.


It seems China is the next big market for coporate jets. One manufacturer has picked who they believe is the perfect corporate spokesperson: Jackie Chan.


Happy Valentine’s Day!!


Daily Roundup--February 13, 2012

Okay, show of hands, how many people remember PeopleExpress? You know, one of the first discount air carriers? Flew in the 1980’s before being bought up by Contiental? Well, a new group wants to start an  airline this summer using the PeopleExpress name.


Polycarbonite Resin. That’s the buzzword for the new lines of wheeled lightweight luggage. While they may be lightweight, their hard shell doesn’t allow them to be squished into tight spaces.


New cruise safety rules are being enacted in the wake of the Costa Concordia disaster last month.


Jerusalem will host its first International Ice Festival next month. Ice? In Israel?




Digital Security?

I admit that I’m one of those people who now relies on technology for most aspects of my life. I do business online, pay my bills online, manage my investments online, communicate online and well, basically, run my life online.

However, this weekend, I read an a article in the New York Times entitled Traveling Light In A Time Of Digital Thievery.”

While the majority of the article is about how business people and some government workers have to take extra precaution in some countries they visit to ward of electronic eavesdropping and thievery, it got me wondering—how much does a leisure traveler have to worry about the same things?

When I first started to seriously travel, there was no internet, email, cellphones,smartphones, tablets or the like. Every day I had to call my answering service to see if anyone needed me. If an important message was left, the only option was to call. In most cases, problems would have to wait until I got home.

Not anymore. I can instantly get in touch with almost anyone anywhere without having to actually talk to them. I can buy or trade stocks via my broker’s app, I can respond to emails or text messages, or even “chat” live, I can take care of banking business, edit this website, and if need be even talk to someone—and all via my smartphone. I don’t even need a computer.

But is it now safe to do that? Is it better to use a smartphone  or a regular computer? How much difference does a tablet have over these other devices? Is using an app to connect safer than using the smartphone or tablet browser? Or are they all susceptible to hacking?

If it isn’t safe to log on to take care of personal business why bother taking any of these devices with me? But if I don’t, how do I, in this world of cyberspace, keep everything going?

Where is it safe to log on when away from home or office? Should I preload passwords so I automatically log onto a site when I go to it, or is it safer not to? But if I don’t, and I type it in, can someone then steal that password?

I don’t have the answer to these questions. Not being able to “connect” for two or three weeks at a time isn’t realistic.. I guess I’m just going to have to chance it and do the best I can.

But what about all of you? Do any of you take precautions against cybertheft while traveling and what are they? This is an area, I believe, more and more people need to think about.


Daily Roundup--February 10, 2012

Pet Airways, the airline that was for “pets only,” may be going to the dogs. And not the four legged type.


AirfareWatchdog likes to make charts. Here’s one to help you pick the best first class airline and plane.


But then, is first class still first class? Or has it been demoted to second?




Daily Roundup--February 8, 2012

At what point do the airlines cross the line with their myriad of hidden and ridiculous fees that the passengers say enough is enough? For consumer advocate Ralph Nader, that point is getting closer and closer.

Airbus has been ordered to inspect its entire fleet of A-380’s for wing cracks. There are currently 68 in service. That’s airplanes, not cracks.

Strikes in France and Israel are causing delays and cancellations of many flights.

Have you worried that sitting in coach may make you more susceptible to blood clots and deep vein thrombosis? Have no fear, a new study says that it really doesn’t matter where you sit but what you do during the flight.

AirfareWatchdog published a carry-on policy chart for most major airlines throughout the world.

The TSA is expanding its “Pre-Check” security clearance program to 28 more cities.


Daily Roundup--February 7, 2012

The TSA will allow West Yellowstone Airport, the seasonal Montana airport, to hire private screeners rather than fly in government employees. This will not only save lots of money but create jobs for local residents. I wonder if they’re doing it because it makes sense or because a new law may force them to make similar decisions?


The U.S. Congress has approved a new FAA funding bill and the President is expected to sign it.


Alaska Air will soon start flying to Philadelphia and Ft. Lauderdale. It’s also dropping Miami from its route map.


Grand Canyon National Park has banned the sale of plastic water bottles. It’s not the first national park to do this.


Happy 200th birthday to Charles Dickens.




Daily Roundup--February 6, 2012

 China is banning its airlines from paying an EU emissions tax on all flights in and out of Europe. Twenty six other countries, including the U.S. and India, are protesting the legality of the EU’s actions.


The NY Giants did some celebrating on their flight home today from Indianapolis to Newark. This video was posted before they even landed:


It looks like full body scans will be required at Australia’s international airports. No more opting for a pat down. Only those with serious medical conditions may opt out.


A new bill in front of the Senate  will allow airports to hire private screeners to replace the TSA. This bill, which already passed the House of Representatives, is expected to pass the Senate and then be signed by the President. The bill overrides TSA head John Pistole who said he would not allow private screeners.


This has nothing to do with travel but it’s just wrong!!!!! Thank you for allowing me my rant.


Snow & Wheels--not a good combination.

As many of you may have heard, Rome received a rare blanketing of snow this weekend. And as a prized tourist destination,  you knew this photo was inevitable:


(Photo courtesy of the Sacramento Bee)


For more photos of Rome in the Snow, click here


Daily Roundup--February 3, 2012


Hungary’s Malev Airlines has stopped flying. They are the second European airline to go bust in the past week. (We reported on Malev’s problems and Spanair’s bankruptcy in previous Daily Roundup columns.) With the European economy the way it is, I wonder who’s next?

Meanwhile….after that announcement, Ryanair announced 26 new routes out of Hungary to help fill the void—and increase revenue. Air Berlin also announced more routes as well.


How about taking a cruise with the New York Times? This October, the “old gray lady” will offer up intellectual stimulation, and numerous seminars by some of its top journalists,  while cruising the eastern Mediterranean. Makes you wonder….instead of unlimited drinks, do you get unlimiited crossword puzzles?


Uh oh, eh? Canada’s Wesjet airlines is looking into  new ways to raise ancillary income. In layman’s talk, that means more ridiculous fees.


U.S. Passport Fees are going up—and not by just a little. Don’t feel bad, I just checked. I’m up for renewal. I should have looked sooner.


A rare heavy snowstorm in Rome has forced the closure of the Colosseum and Roman Forum.. Will disappointed  tourists take solace in extra gelato? Doubtful in this weather.