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Beat the lines with intelligence

stamp3.jpgFrom CNNmoney.com:

Many large airports have additional screening points that, while a little out of the way, more than make up for the inconvenience by being rarely used.

Log on to the Transportation Security Administration’s Web site, which lists security checkpoints at every U.S. airport and publishes average wait times by the hour at waittime.tsa.dhs.gov.

…At airports with one central security checkpoint (such as Denver), the shorter lines are usually the ones at the outer edges, away from where most of the traffic is funneled. And airports with hotels attached, such as Detroit Metro (the Westin) or Dallas/Fort Worth (the Hyatt), often have a separate security entrance for hotel guests, but anyone can use it.

Check out k-em’s comment below, which bears out the value of this tip…


Reader Comments (1)

I recently took a flight out of Denver and was gratified by the fact that they had not only created a secondary, smaller check point, but had placed a very helpful person at the top of the stairs to offer the secondary check point as an option. It was leading out to our gate and required a little more walking, but the line was measurably shorter and less hectic. They also had people moving along the lines to remind travelers about the quart bag and 3 oz liquids rule AND to offer a bag or assistance to those who had not heard about the rule. We were very impressed with the helpfulness and thoughtfulness of airport management. My hat is off to Denver International Airport for not only taking the initiative to make getting through security easier, but to also make traveling less aggravating.

July 2, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterk-em

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