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Raise a pint to the baggage-handling hero

smeats.jpgWho is John Smeaton? Only the toast of Scotland after helping police wrestle the airport carbombers who nearly turned the Glasgow airport into an inferno Saturday. He’s the subject of a fawning tribute website (which is a little hard to follow if you’re not Scottish) and worldwide media attention. You may never view baggage handlers in quite the same light again:

Don’t you love the Scots? The Scots love Smeaton. They’re campaigning to buy a 1000 pints of ale in his honor at the local airport bar. Our pint of Guinness is raised to ye John, with thanks that the traveler’s help often comes from the strangest places.

The BBC has a good story as well - fully in the Queen’s English. And click here for a selection of youtube videos.


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