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Ban underwear

I just heard a story on CNN about the advisability of banning carry-on luggage altogether. And it said Canada, for now, has already done so! Banning underwear makes more sense than banning carry-on luggage. If you haven’t heard, the Christmas day bomber’s explosive was “anatomically correct” and concealed in his jockey shorts — so would it have been detectable even by the “virtual strip search” scanners? Probably not. Stay tuned.

Reader Comments (1)

The security responses have been a joke. None of the things they are imposing now will stop this type of underwear attack. All they are doing is making flyers miserable and hurting the economy. This wouldn't have been an issue if the watchlists had been properly used.

I mean 9 years of dealing with passengers getting hassled for similar names, and here someone comes through from Nigeria with a fairly unique name, no carryon luggage to speak of, and now TSA is blaming PASSENGERS for carrying on diaper bags and one-bags and the stuff that would otherwise get stolen by baggage inspectors?

Give me a break.

December 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael W.

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