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Wee fee, monsieur

Cut-rate Irish carrier Ryanair’s rascally CEO is at it again. According to the Irish Times:

“Ryanair says it will press ahead with plans to charge passengers to use its aircraft’s toilets. Despite admitting its announcement last year that it might install coin-operated facilities was a publicity stunt, chief executive Michael O’Leary is now revisiting the issue, according to the airline.

Ryanair would also like to remove the two toilets at the back of each aircraft, leaving only one on board and creating room for six extra seats.

In its in-flight magazine the airline described the coin-operated toilets as a “cost saving proposal” that would help reduce fares by at least 5 per cent.” (Headline for this story: Cross your legs)

This scheme was represented as a stunt earlier; it may have just been portrayed that way after the idea was universally urinated upon. Who knows this time? Go easy on the Guinness, I guess, unless you have a pocket full of change of the right type.

Reader Comments (4)

They have an inflight magazine? Well there's a cost-cutting opportunity right there.
January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMiguel Marcos
Next step will be to remove the overhead bins and replace them with hammocks. They'll be sold as "premium" seats.

You'll be charged for use of the seat pocket.

You'll be charged for use of their trademark every time you say their name or print something out, like the boarding pass, that has their name on it.

If you use the air sick bag, you'll be charged for its use as well as a handling fee to dispose of it.

An entertainment fee will be tacked on. Afterall, didn't the flight attendant make an announcement? There's your entertainment.
January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
Too much space for Ryanair....they'll find ways to pack more people in.
January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz

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