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Tablet or wonder pill?

“Apple’s Tablet: a gizmo to save the world”

Yet if the gossip is to be believed, Apple has found a way to end, or at least mitigate, the onslaught by replacing our heaps of disorderly electronic debris with a single, all-purpose device, to use not only in the home, but at work, school and on the move. It may possess a further, significant virtue. According to a strategic leak in The Wall Street Journal, it offers a particularly hospitable platform for books and newspapers, and, although details remain uncertain, publishers are reported to “be punching the air” - telegraph.co.uk

This is zero week for the AppTab. Get ready for the hype.

Reader Comments (4)

Hype aside, I'm excited for Apple's new product not because it will be the greatest thing since slice bread (I don't think it will be), but because it will force EVERYONE to step up their products.

The iPhone was missing features and was expensive when first released. But it made people excited and other manufacturers wanted people excited about their products. Lots of innovation in the cell phone market in the 3 years since the iPhone was announced.

I expect the same from whatever comes from Apple. Even if you don't buy it and hate Apple, everyone benefits.
Wise words. I actually bought a little Apple stock, just in case. :)
January 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
IF the long rumored Apple Tablet is what is being announced this week is under $1000, is about a 10" screen, and is based on the same OS that the iPhone and iTouch use, then it will be a hit. I do see it cutting heavily into netbook sales, as most thing that people would use a netbook for on the road, this would probably do at least as well, and do many better. I also think that dedicated e-reader (Kindle, Sony e-book, etc.) sales will also suffer.
January 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLuke
Yes, ereader hardware sales will suffer. But kindle software sales will go up even more which will make up for the loss in hardware. So buy Amazon stock, too. :)

It has to be priced under $1000 though, preferably even under $800. It has to be able to connect to a BT keyboard. It would then also make sense to have a headset that really has a well working voice recognition. You could wear the headset and leave the tablet in your bag. The current Iphone voice recognition is not good enough. With foreign names it is very inexact or useless. Not everyone in my address book has an easily recognizable name like John Smith.
January 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill

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