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Pilot is over it

When we say it, it means nothing. When an airline pilot says it … maybe it still means nothing:

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (CBS/AP) — A Tennessee pilot who says he’s tired of being manhandled by security agents is waiting to see if he will lose his job because he refused a full body scan.

ExpressJet Airlines first officer Michael Roberts was chosen for the X-ray scan Friday at Memphis International Airport. The Houston-based pilot says he also refused a pat-down and went home…

Roberts says he has safety concerns, but called TSA a “make-work” program that doesn’t make travel safer.

“I just kind of had to ask myself ‘Where do I stand?’ I’m just not comfortable being physically manhandled by a federal security agent every time I go to work,” he told the Commercial Appeal. - read more

Reader Comments (5)

Here's the deal.

He's the pilot. What he brings on board is of ZERO consequence. He already has the biggest weapon of them all - the controls.
October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTwiggie
This guy has my vote. He deserves a medal.
October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Whoohoo! A vote against manipulation and fear. I love it!
October 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterK-eM
It shows the idiocy of TSA better than any sarcastic or absurd French comedy ever could. The fact that they don't even think of the fact that the pilot is THE person that can bring the plane down with nothing but his hands, even if you screen his guts out and put him/her in the seat naked, shows you how limited they are. I applaud him. Well done!
October 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
It seems he has a right to refuse the scan just for the sake of his own health. How many airport x-ray scans become too much?
October 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

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