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The OPEC bag is back.....sort of.

The famed OPEC bag (Outdoor Products Essential Carry On), known by many as the “Campmor” bag, is back. Only this time, it really is the Campmor bag as it carries the Campmor logo. I believe it’s exclusive to Campmor.

Kudos to Monte for finding ths.

Campmor Essential Carry-On

It looks like it’s the same specs as the old bag.

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (7)

Do I get a prize?
November 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Yes. Monte, you do. I"m sending you a gift certificate for an extra special pat down the next time you fly.
November 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank II
I offer you that warm feeling of satisfaction that results from a job well done.
November 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Thanks, Boys. I get the extra special pat down here at home but someone else may like one.

We're coming out of a blizzard this morning, it 10 above F, that's for Farenheit, and about a foot of snow that has drifted up to three feet deep. In a few minutes I'll shovel ut and reive to the post office to pick up today's catalogs.

And thanks again. You are too kind.
November 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
After the last post I consulted with my grammarian who thought I should ask for the gift cetificate be made out to the women's line. Good Idaea? No! She's always looking out for my best interests.

While I have nothing to do but be verbose this morning let me tell you a travelling story. Last night thw wind awakened me about 2AM. With the full moon and high wind I could see my string of Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags bent in a crescent across the back yard. I thought they must be sending prayers for all you people who are going to opt out tomorrow. Please do. I hope you get your turkey plucked byThanksgiving. I really don't lnow what that has to do withlight weight travelling, but its a departure (good word here) from the myriad of TSA news which is grossly depressing. That Pistole has to go. His boss needs to return to Arizona. We all need to go through the security check lines wearing no underwear and saying"That felt good, could youdo it again".

Eat up and be happy.
November 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Could the Campmor logo be any larger?
November 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie
That's why they invented the Sharpie....only with that size logo, you might need two.
November 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank II

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