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A la Carte Hotel?

Airlines have been selling tickets cheaply and then making a profit with all the add-ons.

A new budget hotel in London is doing the same: keeping its initial price low but charging for everything else—towels, TV, hair dryer, housekeeping, and more.

Is this the wave of the future?

Tune Hotel


(Frank II)

Reader Comments (3)

Add ons.....breakfast is cheap, but continentals don't usually consist of a good fill-up like a cooked breakfast.
Out of this list I would only require TV and towels.

Continental Breakfast Set (for 1 set) GBP 4.95
Early Arrival (from 12.00 mid day) GBP 10.00
Hair Dryer (unlimited use) GBP 1.00
In Room Safe (unlimited use) GBP 2.00
Late Departure (up to 1.00pm) GBP 10.00
Add-on Room Cleaning GBP 7.50
TV (1 day - freeview channels) GBP 3.00
TV (3 days - freeview channels) GBP 7.00
TV (unlimited use - freeview channels) GBP 10.00
Towel Rental + Essentials toiletries kit GBP 1.50
Wireless Internet Access (1 hour period) GBP 1.50
Wireless Internet Access (24 hour period) GBP 3.00
Wireless Internet Access (unlimited) GBP 10.00

I did a dummy booking for mid June 2011, double room with windows without any add ons, £55 for the night for two people. The location is south side of the Thames, not far but a busy road to navigate with bags. To reach most major attractions you would need to use public transport.
Considering we stayed at the Covent Garden Travelodge for £49 and no extra fees required, plus less travelling on public transport, ergo less fares to pay, I'd say the Tune has its work cut out trying to attract savvy budget minded tourists who can be bothered doing the arithmetic or study a sight map of London. If it can locate another hotel more centrally, then it might give other budget hotels cause for concern.
I wouldn't stay there, mainly because of the location but also for the reasons I just gave, but then I am a Londoner and know which areas are value for my money.
I suppose it is a natural progression, budget hotels following the Ryanair approach to charging customers....although it would be too much if they also charged for bathroom use!!
November 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
I wouldn't stay here for any reason.
November 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
By the time you have added on the things you are most likely to use (towels, tv, etc.) it is no less expensive than many of the other budget chains.
Think I'll be sticking with the likes of Jury's and Premier Inns.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIvan P

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