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Co-Pilot moves seat, sends jet plummeting

Co-Pilot moves seat sends jetliner plumetting


I really enjoyed the line: “the 25-year-old co-pilot had not been trained in the specific scenario the jet encountered and “probably had no clue to tackle this kind of emergency.”

Had not been trained? Most private pilots in the U.S. can get out of a dive let alone any commercially rated pilot. How bad is the training in India?

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (1)

That's what you call a ---" moving violation" LOL..

From what I understand that in the 60"s/ 70's and 80's==
many of Air India's pilots were retired Air Force pilots
who had a lot of flying experience; hence the airline had
a good safety record. This appears to be an unusual incident.
November 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan

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