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Delta to add wifi to 223 Delta Connection planes

When I first read the headline and the ensuing article, I thought, geez, most of those flights are under one hour. Can’t theseĀ  people go for one hour without the internet.

And then my internet went out. I was amazed at just how much I do online and how crippled I was without it. I couldn’t work, plan any trips, check my email, read the news, check my stocks, etc. How dependent I had become on this technology.

While I probably wouldn’t pay for wifi on a short flight, I’m glad it’s there if I want it.

Delta to add Wifi

(Frank II)

Reader Comments (1)

While many of these Delta Connection flights are indeed very short, I've also been on plenty of 2 hour or occasionally even 3+ hour flights on regional jets. The switch to these smaller planes has really been pretty dramatic on some routes. Of course, with the very tight seat pitch and limited elbow room on an RJ, using an actual laptop would be pretty difficult, though the same article mentions that Delta is adding a first class to many of these same planes, which might really be who the wifi is aimed at.
December 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertopometropolis

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