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iPad vs. TSA

The power of information (technology) keeps a mom from losing her baby’s food:

Iseri asked to see the TSA’s baby-food rules and also, where they got the authority to open her jars. An agent told her, “That’s not public information.”

She whipped out her iPad and pulled up the TSA site, which said,

[G]reater than 3 ounces of baby formula, breast milk, or juice are permitted through the security checkpoint in reasonable quantities for the duration of your itinerary. - Consumer Traveler

Reader Comments (2)

A perfect example of how power is abused and the public usually puts up with the BS. Just this time they had to deal with an enlightened person. Bravo! I always carry a print-out of the list of permitted items in my carry-on's front pocket. For me it might be useful for lighters or small scissors. But in reality I've never needed it.

The second one on the woman that was in my eyes unlawfully held because she lawfully refused to have her breast milk x-rayed will cause a real stir, I hope.

And I only waited for the one where they forced a woman to remove her sanitary napkin (linked to in the second one). I'd have whipped it out right in front of them.
December 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
TSA has every right to be proud of their excellent training program. To quote a quote, "We're from the government and we're here to help". It might be from that star of the show Ronald Reagan.
December 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte

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