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First Pizza Boxes, Now Gas Stations.

TSA is having a hard time filling part time positions in the Washington, D.C. area. So difficult that they’re using unique methods to recruit.

At first, they advertised on pizza delivery boxes. Now, they’re plastering gas stations with posters saying the jobs come with x-ray vision and benefits.

You’d think with high unemployment, they wouldn’t have so many openings.  Starting TSO’s make between 27 and 43K. Is it the low salary or the job itself keeping the unemployed away?

Of course, TSA could always go the way of big business and outsource to another country.



(Frank II)

Reader Comments (1)

Tedious, thankless work. Sullen, unhappy faces. Benefits yes, and secure, but pretty low pay for a high cost of living area like DC. I assume there's a high burn-out rate, hence turnover.
It's a different story in the heartland, where TSA pay rates are relatively more attractive.
November 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

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