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Has one bag travel changed you in other areas?

To the one bag travelers out there….does the concept of lightening the load, so to speak, have any effect in other areas of your life?

It has for me. I’ve learned that I don’t need as much stuff as I thought I did. I believe life is more about what we exeperience and the relationships we have than the stuff we own. After more than 20 years of travel and a few instances of long term temporary furnished residences, I realize that stuff is fleeting, life is not.

I am currently on my final journey of becoming a minimalist. The same principles I use to pack my bag for travel I’m using to organize my  home.  Only what I need, a few extra pieces for fun or sentimental reasons, and that’s it.

How about you?


(Frank II)

Reader Comments (5)

I was a minimalist for years.....I was single.
I am married now........I married a stuff magnet.
Every year we...I have a garage sale and sell the stuff.......but.....its like the stuff comes back ....and multiplies!

Clutter clutters my mind.
December 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
It was moving to Ukraine from the U.S. that focused my attention on getting rid of "stuff." I wound up rather embarrassed at having had a small rental storage unit for some years to house things I hadn't used in most cases for all that time. This past Summer, I made a trip back to the States for six weeks--and only took a carry-on and a laptop bag, despite the fact I also had a CPAP machine and mask taking up too much weight and space in the carry-on.
At home, I work to keep from any sort of accumulation--after all, our apartment is like most here in that it has a definitely limited amount of storage space. Even so, I will be getting rid of quite a bit very shortly to keep down to the essentials.
The primary feeling of limiting the possessions is definitely not one of lack; to me, it's far more a feeling of lightness and freedom.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid
I have condensed my the contents of my office down to 1 bag (RedOxx CPA). No pictures of kids/wife/dog - use the screen saver on my notebook for that. I have gone paperless which not only eliminates the paper but the folders, staplers, paper clips, pens/pencils etc..

My office looks kind of bare other than that it works great and since I telecommute about 1/4 of the time where ever I telecommute from has all the same stuff as my office.
December 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDannH
I actually sold everything and moved to Costa Rica. Didn't even realize how much stuff I've accumulated over the years, and couldn't believe how long it took to get rid of it. I really wanted a fresh start and pay more attention to the things that matter the most. I can now move with just a car load of junk. I haven't been able to do that since college, and it feels great.
December 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexia
My goal is to live a life of minimalism and simplicity. I have a LONG ways to go but packing light has certainly inspired me to keep going through the clutter. I doubt that I'll be one of today's hipsters who lives out of a backpack and nothing more, though LOL
December 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCoCoYoYo

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