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Profs propose profiling

Take time to read the whole story, even if you’re skeptical…

“The biggest challenge is that we are trying to find a needle in a haystack because the fraction of criminals in the population is very small,” Cavusoglu said. “What we say is that it’s not enough to have a screening system, but if the screening system and profiler complement one another, we have a better shot at finding the needle.”

Although previous studies explore the effectiveness of profiling, Raghunathan says this is the first major study that examines how profiling can work with screening devices to create a system that balances the needs of airlines with that of customers. The UT Dallas professors began looking for a security system that provides the benefits of catching attackers while effectively outweighing the costs – in money, time, inconvenience, privacy, and liberties. - entire story at Pegasus News

Reader Comments (3)

Link doesn't work for me. But anyway I think profiling makes sense, too. The problem is it has to be done intelligently. This means that the current TSA administration and employees would make a terrible mess out of it. The level of education and intelligence in anything related to law enforcement in the US is simply not high enough unless you get to FBI level. They'd have to find intelligent people (already limits the choice to 2 out of 10), train them well and pay them well. The problem is compounded by the fact that really intelligent people won't want to do that kind of job for that kind of reason.

If you look at the numbers of accidents that are terrorist related more and better security is simply not needed. Its only effect is to scare the people into submission and make a transparent citizen whose rights are undermined in the name of safety.

Besides that profiling is already in place as any traveler with just a muslim name or from certain nations can tell you. The stopping of the Kansas granny and the Delaware senator is just for show. They are the token cases to pretend there is no profiling.
February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
You might try the link again - it does work as far as I can tell.
February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Thanks. It does work now. The first time it took me to the main site frame and then had an error message. MIght have been a problem on my server. You know how sometimes sites don't load correctly and when you try again everything is there.
February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill

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