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Mulling weighty overhead matters

Tyler Brûlé (he of the fabulous lifestyle) is rethinking his luggage strategy. Wheels and - gasp - possibly even a baggage claim ticket beckon.

“You do know that one of the easiest routes to back injury is placing bags into overhead luggage bins when you fly,” said Doktor George. “You should really make sure you take care as it’s so easy to throw your back out.” “What are you suggesting, then?” I asked. “It might be time to rethink your luggage,” he said.

At this point I think my eyes might have narrowed as I stared at Doktor George. I was trying to read what the good doctor was suggesting and whether he was baiting me in jest or serious about a complete rethink of my no checked luggage, no carry-on wheely-bag policy. 

“Definitely something to think about for 2010,” I said with a smile.- ft.com

TB promises a conclusion to this quandry next week. In the mean time I must say again, going one-bag is a bad idea if that one bag is too heavy. Maybe that’s the point of the above-quoted exchange. Take the 10%-of-body-weight rule seriously unless you’re quite fit and quite young!

Reader Comments (2)

One of the easiest routes to back injury is lugging a heavy suitcase that you check in, you can put all the wheels you want on it, you still have to pick it for various reaons during a trip.
You have to haul them off the baggage carousel, pick them up to go up and down stairs, get in and out of a taxi, bus or train....or rental car.
Yes, keeping the carry-on light (or two bagging with one overhead and one underseat) is the sensible way to go.

I watched my dad crumple in pain when his back went, picking up a suitcase. He said after the deed, that had he been picking two cases up, one in each hand....body straight, knees bent properly......it probably would not have happened. I have never hurt myself putting bags in the overhead, I did strain my shoulders and arms lugging a suitcase around Europe for five weeks.
February 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
I'd say stick to the 10% even if you are young and fit, if you can. I used to throw a lot of heavy weights around, especially when sailboat racing. I thought I got away with it because I was strong. When I got older, and my muscles a liltle less toned, I found out I didn't get away with it at all. Those toned muscles were holding my injured back in place! Needless to say, since then I've been very diligent keeping those stomach and back muscles in tune.

Be careful. The pain is unbelievable.
February 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCindy H

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