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How do you pat down for this?

The British Sun tabloid says MI5 has some really bad news: Terrorists may employ explosive breast and buttock implants. This renders nearly every detection device and technique useless…

The shocking new al-Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women’s breasts during plastic surgery — making them “virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines”.

It is believed the doctors have been trained at some of Britain’s leading teaching hospitals before returning to their own countries to perform the surgical procedures.

MI5 has also discovered that extremists are inserting the explosives into the buttocks of some male suicide bombers. - thesun.co.uk

Reader Comments (9)

We are going to have to come to terms with the facts:

1. We will never be completely safe.
2. We need to invest significant resources into raising and training more search dogs.
3. We need to continue to develop better electronic "sniffers" to the point we can quit using dogs.
March 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstevenshytle
That's what I always said about the stupid scanners. It's called the tampon paradox. They cannot see inside the body. There can be explosives in body openings but also surgically inserted in breasts, buttocks or the abdominal cavity. It doesn't really matter if you are going to blow yourself up anyway.

Still, it will be easier to infiltrate the services on the ground and plant a bomb.

The scanner stuff is just more security theater and only serves to erode human dignity a little further till the next step, which could very well be completely penetrating x-rays.
March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
People have been saying right along that the scanners could not detect everything. Yet the TSA seems intent on ramming them down our throats and expanding their empire more and more. Not only are the scanners themselves very expensive, they want to hire more people to operate them.

The government can not protect you from every thing that could happen in your life.

So much of the money the TSA wastes on their security theater could be put to so much better uses in other areas.
March 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTired of the TSA
I have a hard time believing this article. Just how are they going to detonate the explosive? Think about it.
March 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCindy H
Cindy, remote controlled detonator. Absolutely no problem. Or you put a timer, or a GPS. Many possibilities.

You don't even need much. I think Lockerbie was 200 grams or so I read. That fits in a rectum. On a woman doing breasts, buttocks and abdominal cavity plus other orifices you could probably around 3000 grams. You'd only need a single detonator but there'd be room for redundancy to be 100% sure it blows up.
March 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
AMEN to "Tired Of The TSA"'s comments!


The 9/11 hijackers got on their planes because of GOVERNMENT FAILURE to match their names to terrorist lists.

The Christmas bomber got on the plane because of GOVERNMENT FAILURE to match his name to terrorist lists.

The shoe scan implemented following the shoe bomber episode is another example of GOVERNMENT FAILURE, as scanners cannot detect PETN, the explosive utilized by Richard Reid.

The primary raison d'etre for TSA is not safety, it is control.
March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCharles
And one US administration loves the power of control as much as the other.
March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
Spot on, Brad. Sure, Obama is miles better than W but he is not the Messiah everyone was hoping for, which in and of itself tells you something about the people.

Very good point from Charles. If only more people thought like you.
March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
The sad truth is that we have never been safe. We have always been vulnerable to the plans of the psychopathic killer. We have always been prey to the extremeists, who's very reason for existing is to do the things that no one else is willing to do. There has never been a single point of protection from this sort of threat.
All of us must be diligentI We cannot be so afraid to get on with our lives, nor must we let fear allow for violations of privacy and the right to travel freely.
It is then that the terrorists win.
April 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpaul

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