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Charge $100 to carry-on, he says

The Federal Aviation Administration likes to make rules, so here’s a suggestion. Ban carry-on bags. Exceptions only for items that you need during the flight, such as computers, snakes, books and magazines, diapers. If you absolutely must have a carry-on bag for whatever reason, you get charged Spirit’s $45, or better yet, $100 for the privilege. If you absolutely must have a carry-on bag because you can’t let your bag out of your sight, you should see a shrink. If you must have a bag because you don’t want the inconvenience of waiting at the baggage carousel like everyone else, tough; you pay for the luxury just like first class passengers do for their extra benefits. - Dennis Byrne, Chicago Now

OBOW’s Man of the Year, 2010?

Ban all carry-ons, says one more pundit - yet another candidate for Man of the Year.

Reader Comments (12)

Well, if those loser Airlines he oversees wouldn't lose 10,000 bags a year then maybe we wouldn't mind checking our bags. I love it--they create a problem and when we don't like it, we are the bad guys!!
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFranklin
Ya, they do such a great job taking care of our bags. So much so we a have a company in our city that sells unclaimed bags and all their content.
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBobby
Sour grapes.
People like that haven't (and probably never will), perfect the art of travelling without their kitchen sink (which won't fit in an overhead).
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S
All the more reason to have the option of shipping one's
luggage; until the dust setles???? At least one's luggage
will not face the risk of loss/ damage and might work
out more economical shipping by services like Luggagefree.com
At least as a passenger we are more in control rather than be at mercy
of the airlines constantly changing fees/rules.
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan
No wonder Scott Jordan's ScotteVests are selling like hot cakes! It does seem a good way to evade the "Gate Gestapo".

Does anyone reading this have any of his products? What are your impressions of quality and design? I am interested in buying one but import duties and taxes here in the UK do bump the price up a fair bit and I want to be sure.
April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterScott
I have a Scottevest Tropical Jacket/Vest. It is well made, very good quality, and an excellent garmant. It is made in China and because of that I will not buy any more products from the company.
April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
That should be "garment".
April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Scott - the ScottEVests are a great concept. There are a few reviews / comments on this site, as well as the FlyerTalk Forum. Perhaps that will help.

I did order one for myself, and had to send it back due to size, it was a unisex jacket. (The arms on my extra small jacket were almost down to mid thigh and the arm width was for a gorilla. I could have had the tailor fix that, but the jacket wouldn't close properly around me once I put stuff in the pockets (and I'm not the curvy type either, nor were the pockets stuffed) Alas, I think they are still figuring out the sizes for women's wear. I think they could use improvements in the finishing on the inside and the zippers. But I admit I am looking forward to their intended release of more women's wear styles in the fall. (Hopefully something that will cover's one's bottom! and look more professional for business travel too.)

However, one thing I noticed, as they make such a fuss about having a pocket for one's IPod, IPhone in a chest pocket inside the jacket - if I recall correctly, I tried that and the device technically had to put in the pocket "upside down" if you want to wire connection to come out in the hole they provided. Granted my little Ipod is an older style from a few years ago, but I felt I don't think I want to look at it that way once in the pocket.
April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaria
Thanks for your replies.
April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterScott
I'd like to see these guys check their electronics and their wife's jewelry. The airlines won't cover it - good luck with that.
April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBirch
Obviously he's never had his luggage lost by the airline.
May 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLarry
Ummmmmm yeah, I'm checking nothing worth more than a day's pay. Period. Every couple of years we hear another news story about a ring of baggage handlers stealing luggage and stealing OUT of luggage. If the airlines refuse to be responsible for the actions of their own employees, but want to charge ME for the privilege of MY being responsible for my valuables, I'll simply not fly.
May 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMel

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