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New word: pre-reclined

Pre-reclined - adj., (2010) - obfuscatory budget airline spin control jargon, formerly non-reclining…

Spirit simplifies your life further. The stressful decisions - do I recline my seat or not, if so, how much??? No more. Their new seats are pre-reclined!

Spirit’s two new Airbus 320 aircraft feature “pre-reclined” seats, spokeswoman Misty Pinson said Tuesday. That means even Spirit passengers who want to pay for reclining airline seats won’t have that option.

The Miramar-based airline put the first A-320 into service on March 14 for the Fort Lauderdale-Washington, D.C., route. The other arrived last week and currently is being used on flights between Fort Lauderdale and New York’s LaGuardia airport. Two more A-320s will join the company’s fleet this summer, and both will feature the “pre-reclined” seat design, Pinson said. - sun-sentinel.com

Imagine the Sprit executives shocked delight when they learned this comfort-enhancing approach allowed them to install more seats. Will wonders never cease?

Reader Comments (6)


Till's shortest post ever!
April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTill
I don't know what LMAO, is but I hope Spirit's Pre-reclined just precedes their Pre-planning.
April 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
Laughing my (quadriped, mid-size, equine beast of burden) off.
April 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
"Pre-reclined" I guess George Orwell predicted this use of the English language, but what if I do not want to recline or have a medical condition that makes it uncomfortable? I have already chosen not to fly on Ryan Air because I find these practices to be deceptive.
April 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
I believe pre-reclined means (if you read the stories) barely reclined. Could be doubleplus uncomfortable.
April 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
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