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More on 3-1-1 fade

For the greatest volume of information from the greatest number of hardcore travelers, turn to FlyerTalk. This I did for feedback on the alleged relaxation ( albeit de facto, unofficial, and inconsistent) of the 3-1-1 liquid rules. I learned that the facts of the MSNBC story referenced below are largely borne out by recent experience. I also learned/was reminded that the FT boards are sometimes rendered almost useless by needless sniping and bitterness. Thank goodness for kinder, gentler OBOWers!

To be honest, enforcement of 3-1-1 has always been spotty. I’ve seen lots of stuff go through and lots go into the trashcan. It is enough to make us rule followers feel like suckers. Still, I’m not feeling lucky. I’ll keeping bagging by rule.

Reader Comments (5)

I agree with you. Until I hear of an "official" announcement from TSA, and even then give it a few days, I'm going to travel with a 3-1-1 bag. Mostly because, with my luck, I'd be the one person they single out.

The only difference for me if the 3-1-1 bag requirement is dissolved is that I'll be able to put my travel size toiletries in my toiletry kit. I travel light and don't want full sized bottles of anything.
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuzz
We will still go by the rule too. None of us would want the Thousands Standing Aroung to think they were on a fool's mission. My biggest complaint regarding the liquid rules was that I couldn't bring whisky back from Scotland in my carry-on like I used to. Its not any cheaper there but you can find brands and bottlings that never make it to the US. Its really not that big a deal, but it was fun while it lasted.
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonte
In cedar rapids, this past weekend (May 9th), the screeners were providing appropriately sized ziplock bags, and reciting typical 311 rules. They seemed pretty 311 compliant there.
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHigh Roller
Classify this under YMMV... I just got back tonight from an ORD trip. I did not take my 311 bag out of my carry on. I have not done so in about the last 18 months. I average about 3 trips per month. It started as an accident, forgetting to take it out. Then became habit to help speed entry and exit from the conveyor line. If ever asked, it is ready to be pulled out and re-screened. My worry is that will happen the one time I am in a real hurry to catch a flight...
May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSubsonic
@Subsonic: I'm with you. I am on about 6-8 flights a month. I rarely take out my 311 baggie anymore, but of course I still stick by the rule and have my liquids in one. DEN is the only place where they somewhat consistently rescan my bag if I don't take it out.
May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEric

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