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3-1-1 fading away?

Here’s a story from MSNBC that suggests this is so:

The Transportation Security Administration’s unpopular restrictions on liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on luggage — better known as the 3-1-1 rule — are history.

Passengers say the TSA has all but stopped screening their baggage for liquids. They say transportation security officers no longer ask them to remove lotions, shampoos and even water bottles from their luggage, and overlook all manner of liquids packed in their carry-ons during screening.

“I was never asked about the liquids in my bag or asked to remove them,” says Doris Casamento, a retiree from Naples, Fla., who recently flew from Miami to Rome. “My husband had a bottle of water from the hotel he forgot was in his carry-on and it was never confiscated. The water was in a shallow shoulder-bag bulging practically in plain sight.” - MSNBC/Christopher Elliot

Whether this is the result of blessed restraint, screener fatigue, mission creep, or serendipitous laxity, who knows? Be sure that the “discretion” mentioned by the TSA official can never be counted on when you’d most like to have it. We’ve heard several times before that this easing would come. But I’ll bet if this policy could talk, one day soon it will say, “Reports of my death were greatly exxagerated.”

Reader Comments (8)

Had the same experience flying from Oakland to Phoenix back in February. Both ways I had forgotten to pull the 3-1-1 baggie out of my pack and was a little surprised when I wasn't asked to remove it.
May 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteromigoat
Same thing for me when flying from Newport News, VA to Atlanta a few weeks ago. I simply forgot to pull my 3-1-1 bag out of my carryon.
May 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris
I've had this happen on and off since 2008, I forget to remove my 3-1-1 bag but go right through. The end of the article has TSA stating the rule is still in effect and isn't scheduled to be lifted until the end of this year (new x-ray machines coming online) so probably best to assume the rule when flying.

Besides, keeping all of your liquids in a plastic bag isn't a bad idea and no one bagger would be caught carrying a full sized shampoo bottle ;)
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul
I suppose I haven't noticed the trend so much since I scrupulously follow the rules - silly.
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad
SFO still follow the 3-1-1 rule. I forgot I had a bottle water in my backpack (was going to empty it and reuse the bottle) and security agent tossed it in the trash.
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermtview
Within the past 2 weeks I have flown through LAS, IND, ORD, and (unfortunately) CID. All sites specifically asked for me to display my 311 bag. In LAS I saw another traveller have a liquid confiscated-- it was a bottle of vodka, 1/2 full. Maybe water passes in Newport news, but vodka is definitely not passing in Vegas!
May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHigh Roller
In DAL two and a half weeks ago, a forgotten factory-sealed bottle of water was detected by screeners. Not only did they refuse to throw it in the trash can 3 feet away and also refuse to let ME throw it in the trash can 3 feet away, they removed me from the line, escorted me out of the screening area, and pointed to a trash can! Needless to say, after trashing my water, I was forced to go back to the very END of the security line, requiring another 20-minute wait for a second security screening to board a plane scheduled to depart in 35 minutes. Luckily, DAL is a small airport and I made my flight, but DO NOT RISK IT.
May 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMel
We got dinged with the liquids rule in State College, so it's definitely still being enforced. Just cosmetic stuff too, but enough to require a checked bag.
June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRay

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