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Major baggage, 15 minutes fame

The feisty New York Post splashes:

Wing nut’ has major baggage and reports:

The JetBlue flight attendant who flipped out after his plane landed at JFK and then escaped using the emergency chute is a self-professed “bag Nazi” who was furious over a passenger’s oversized luggage, authorities said yesterday.

“I hate to be a bag Nazi when I work a flight, but I feel if I am not, then I am letting down all those who cooperate and try to help out as well,” fussy flight attendant Steven Slater wrote several months ago on Airliners.net, an aviation Web site on which he uses the handle “skyliner747.”

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Reader Comments (1)

Well, I can certainly see his point. Like all of you 1Bag readers, I follow the rules by traveling with my 45 linear inch bag. I get sick of watching people drag their giant, over-sized, over-weight bags on board and wonder why doesn't someone stop them at the gate and make them check those bags on. It's ridiculous.
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrankin

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